I forgot to announce this one on Wednesday, I'm sorry carolyn! :[
The Horribles (a featured comic) by carolyn reached 50 pages on Wednesday! Congrats!
OK! More news!
I'm not sure when the site freeze will happen, apparently it wasn't over the weekend (Plat warned that it might ...

I guess the site wasn't frozen, meanwhile, here's some more news!
skoolmunkee at 11:30AM, Jan. 10, 2010Site freeze (temporarily) over, new interviews, and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 1:39PM, Dec. 14, 2009OK- The site is sort of back now. People should be able to update their comics, leave comments, post on the forums etc.
Unfortunately something went wrong with the database transfer over the weekend, so they're going to have to do this 48-hour freeze again. I'm not sure ...
This just in: Today is Wednesday
skoolmunkee at 2:20AM, Oct. 28, 2009
23 by Graphictruth hits 50 pages on Thursday!
On Friday, Graphictruth also is going to celebrate the 75th page of Dreamwalkers by uploading an extra update!
Also, don't forget about this:
Do you like sketch battles? Ones where your fellow community members have volunteered themselves to duke it ...
The battles commence, a true patriot will support the fighters! (And some milestones too)
skoolmunkee at 1:45AM, Oct. 26, 2009
Do you like sketch battles? Ones where your fellow community members have volunteered themselves to duke it out for your entertainment, gratification, and praise? If you don't, you're a dirty communist! So if you'd like to show your fear-induced sketchbattle patriotism, head on over to The Pen ...
Nerds Take Over World For 24 Hours, Make Comics
skoolmunkee at 4:46AM, Oct. 3, 2009Hey hey hey, it's 24 Hour Comics day! This is the day where devoted comic-makers spend 24 hours (ideally, 24 straight hours) making a comic! It doesn't have to be great, polished, or even perfect… maybe you just want to do quick little hourly comics or a sketchy ...
Mafia elections, note about forum sigs, and a milestone!
skoolmunkee at 1:59AM, Aug. 7, 2009Hey all! The current Mafia game is winding down, and GM elections are starting for the next game. If you're remotely interested, you should check them out- usually different people hoping to be GM will propose different types of games/themes/rules and you can vote for the ones ...
DD Awards- finalists announced! A new interview is up! Publishing and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 2:24AM, Aug. 5, 2009
The DD Awards are underway! The popular-vote nominations are in, and you can see the finalists here! Congrats to everyone who snagged a nom, and good luck! Special thanks to amanda and JustNoPoint who have put a lot of time and effort into running this thing… their work isn't ...
"Featured" Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009
skoolmunkee at 4:46AM, July 27, 2009“Featured” Comic- the Drunk Duck Awards 2009!
A lot of people didn't realize that these were happening last year, so we're hoping that featuring them will give them some publicity and help bring in lots of nominations! These are put together and run by you guys from start ...
Posting Monday news on Sunday afternoon, whynot?
skoolmunkee at 9:39AM, July 19, 2009
Just like last Monday, this Monday we have a new interview up!Harkovast interviews jgib99- and here's an excerpt!
Question 6
There are a lot of naked/semi naked women in your comic, what made you decide to include that? Do you just like drawinâ em or was it ...