Duckie the Riveter Wants YOU!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 18, 2013

Hello Inebriated Quackers and Ducklings!

Niccea has an important announcement:
We have decided to go for it and see if we can get the full amount of fanfare done. However, we lost some people due to the craziness. If you are interested in volunteering, please report to ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 13, 2013

Lydia Mason lives with her older sister in an old, dilapidated apartment building in the inner city. Their skewed relationship could stem from Lydia's constant rebellion and her sister's role as the sole caregiver in her life. Her bedroom–consisting of clothes strewn across the floor, used chopsticks ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 141 - The Gullas and Banes are BastardsCast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 12, 2013


The Gullas and Banes are BastardsCast is brought to you by the Solid Gold Dancers! Check out those costumes… nice! Well now that's over, let's introduce Quackcast 141. Skyfox Kawaiidaigakusei, Master Banes, and Captain Ozone come together to chat about this week's comic feature which ...

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NEWSPOST - Help the 2013 DD Awards Finish Strong!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 11, 2013

Hello Quackers, Ducklings, and other Inebriated Breeds of Waterfowl:

Happy Veteran's Day to those in the United States and Happy Remembrance Day for those in Canada!

It is the heart of the Autumn Season, which means we will be trading our pumpkin spiced lattes for egg nog really soon ...

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Would Cats and Rabbits Reside in Fancy Little Houses If They Could?

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 7, 2013

I created my account on The Duck six years ago while I was a college student. Six years is a long time. In six years, people grow up, people grow apart, people live, and people die. In that time, I have lived abroad in Europe and Asia traveling with my ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 140 - Ducks of future past, episode ZERO

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 5, 2013


Big changes are coming! In this Quackcast we talk about what happened to the duck, what's happening now and what we're trying to make happen in the future. Banes and I chat about all this stuff. Some the most important aspects we mention are the new ...

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Musical Chairs!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 4, 2013

Heeya People!
The BIG news today is that we will have a new person doing the features!
You may or may not be familiar with kawaiidaigakusei.
She actually shows up in Quackcast 139!.

From now on kawaiidaigakusei and I will be doing the weekly features, alternating. Skoolmunkee is retiring from ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 139 - Telling gender from comic styles

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 29, 2013


For Quackcast 139 Banes and I were joined by Kawaiidaigakusei who had an amazingly interesting subject to talk about:
“Telling Someone's Sex By the Way They Draw”, based partially on this old thread from the forums:

Kawaiidaigakusei says:
This has ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Runnin With a Gun

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 13, 2013

The story is about a woman sniper. The way she found herself in that occupation came from a traumatic childhood and a good for nothing father. She is conflicted at one moment on the job because she lets her feelings get in the way of her work and misses a ...

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Milestones and sandwiches! (No milestone sandwiches though)

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, March 8, 2013

Sorry these milepost announcements are a little bit late! I have problems with change and I was confused by the new newspost schedule. :]

Byth1's comic The Legends has just hit 100 pages! Keep up the good work! :] Here's it's description! Updated on fridays! New Carolina, the home ...

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