In 1966, in the midst of the American Civil Rights Movement, Marvel Comics introduced the first black superhero - Black Panther.
Black Panther, real name T'Challa, was the King of vibranium-rich Wakanda, a fictional African country (the first African-American superhero would be Marvel's Falcon). A special herb and his ...
Celebrating Black History Month - The First Black Superhero
HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 27, 2015FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Let your voice be heard!
HippieVan at 12:00AM, July 18, 2014
In case you missed it in Monday's newspost, the ballots for the 2014 Drunk Duck Awards are now open! To submit your votes for all of the categories, fill out the form here:
Voting is open ...
It's a veritable buffet of news!
skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Oct. 12, 2010
How about a nice Heroes Alliance soup? Does 75 pages sound tempting? A special from Abt_Nihil! It has many special ingredients!
A.D. 1997 is all the rage in salads this season, also prepared by chef Abt_Nihil. He has prepared 175 pages, so there is lots to go around! So ...
Community project to help comic-makers improve, GAAK published, and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 2:56PM, July 7, 2010Be sure to check out the other recent newsposts, there's been a lot of stuff in them lately!
Hey! You know what you need? A community project! This one's run by Salsa and jninjashadow, and they need submissions from YOU! (Yes, you!)
jninjashadow explains it:
BUG- Bad Ugly ...
Monday's feature - THE CROSSROADS
skoolmunkee at 2:00AM, June 8, 2009
Jimmy Cline pulls into a small town on his motorcycle looking for a job. He finds one at The Crossroads, the town's only hotel and restaurant. Naturally he finds more there than he bargained for- it seems the town is home to ...
DD Mafia, Milestones, and a bunch of stuff from Villain Next Door!
skoolmunkee at 12:41AM, April 16, 2009
The Drunk Duck Mafia Comic has hit 100 pages! The Mafia game is really fun, and being in the comic (which Niccea and others so generously do) is an extra bonus to playing! It's fun to read the comic and re-live the game, each one ends up being a ...
I've got a lot of news and I'm going to post it on Monday
skoolmunkee at 12:29PM, Nov. 9, 2008This newspost is intentionally left blank! :)
(so guys, quit freakin' out your news hasn't been announced yet)
Please don't hit moving cats! They meow and they hiss!
Black_Kitty at 9:43PM, Oct. 23, 2007Some of you probably hate me by now as I've been sitting on your news for quite a while. All I can say is that I'm terribly sorry and that I'm in the process of moving. So please don't send your assassins or your assassin ninjas ...