The road to Hell that is paved with good intentions feels like Heaven, which is why the road to Heaven feels like Hell. Uehara, prisoner of the Tengu Clan, has had the same recurring dream from a long forgotten past. Zato Garuda, Uehara’s former sensei, delivers an in-person message that there are two bounties needing to be collected. A fighting ability that can pick up on telekinesis and cross over multiple dimensions is needed to defend against Saiyuri, one of the survivors of the Lumerian Civil War.
Comic is bilingual using English and Japanese simultaneously in the dialogue. Completely in black and white with grayscale shading.
Learn the difference between Antithesis and Synthesis while reading Imparting Quietus by angelxholika, rated M!

FEATURED COMIC --> Imparting Quietus
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 8, 2025

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