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MILESTONE: Used Books Celebrates Sweet Sixteen Hundred!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 16, 2024

Photo: “1600”. Used Books created by Usedbooks. (December 2024)

Usedbooks writes:


I have a milestone announcement for the newspost. Used Books has reached 1600 pages.

(From the author’s notes)


Is 1600 a milestone? Tbh, every page feels like a mile at this point. Heh. Anyway, I used to draw these little doodle people, sometimes doing skits. I couldn't think of a skit, so I just doodled characters until I got bored. Left out some fun ones, but there's just too much cast. I realized after I finished that I included 16 characters. (I know there are over 50 recurring characters because one time, I created versions of them in The Sims.)”

Used Books Comic

Used Books Synopsis
(Rated Teen | Genre Noir)

Faced with troubled pasts and uncertain futures, three women must choose forgiveness, justice, or revenge. Closely guarded secrets and old foes threaten their friendships and their lives as they attempt to live peacefully in a used book store.


Congratulations, Usedbooks, on reaching the 1,600 page milestone! Now it is time to head over to the Used Books comic and celebrate

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plymayer at 10:35PM, Dec. 16, 2024

Congratulations on 1600 UB, here's to 1600 more! I'm pretty sure Lupin has given suggestions for the plot (and have had them rejected) and Zen has ghost written a chapter or two...

Banes at 8:39AM, Dec. 16, 2024

Oh wow, take a look; long-runner used books; an extraordinary run; you’re sixteen (hundred), you’re bountiful, I’m a nun! (Er… I didn’t have a handy rhyme for “run” available right away….). CONGRATULATIONS, UB!!

Tantz_Aerine at 2:38AM, Dec. 16, 2024

Wow! Congrats Vickie!

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