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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 11, 2024

Teenage rabbit girl, Catherine Barkley, is left alone to watch movies on the couch one evening in her suburban Minnesotan home during the late sixties. Catherine picks up the phone to an unknown caller who begins making inappropriate comments about her personal life. Minutes pass and the deafening sound of breaking glass shatters any doubt that staying home alone was not the safest option. Six months later, Catherine is still missing. A second rabbit girl and Beatles fan, Anna Maria Gomez, is having bad luck waking up to her alarm clock on time. Luckily for Anna, classmate Vivi rolls up to her driveway just in time to give her a ride to school. Now the only battles Anna and Vivi need to contend with this morning are smack talking mean girls and preparing for final exams.

The comic’s prologue is completed entirely in black and white line work. The start of Chapter One makes a stylistic shift to color layered on a tan background that really complements the hues and shades. Page numbers are titled in Spanish.

Pull up a pair of leg warmers and read Hyacinth by OllyPolly, rated M!




kawaiidaigakusei at 1:05AM, Dec. 12, 2024

Yes! The coloring style is so cool.

Ozoneocean at 5:23PM, Dec. 11, 2024

Good choice!

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