Photo: “Blessed Days, Final Chapter: The Hand”. Blessed Days by InkyMoondrop. (May 2024)
A message from InkyMoondrop:
Chapter 7 of Blessed Days will end on Monday, the 29th of April and the next important event to announce regarding that comic will be about 6 months from now: that the last chapter is concluded.
The main article image (posted above) is a cover page for the new chapter that will go live in the comic on the 30th (tomorrow) and a trailer for the final chapter as well (link posted below), but perhaps wait with watching it to avoid spoilers. Readers can vote on Blessed Days, Friendship Material and Beats To Exist To in this year’s Drunk Duck Awards, not sure when the FYC pages will be up for each, but I'll post them under the comics as well when they do.”
Blessed Days, The Final Chapter: The Hand Trailer (May 2024)
Trailer Link:
“Oh yeah. And Lesson 1 (or chapter 1 if you like) of Friendship Material will also conclude, that will end on the 1st of May. It will switch to a weekly update schedule after that, publishing on Wednesdays and will probably stick to that until Blessed Days finishes its run. I just wanted the 1st lesson out more or less quickly, so people could get a good idea what to expect from the rest.
Thank you!”
Inky Moondrop
Blessed Days Comic:
Friendship Material Comic:
Beats To Exist To Comic:
A message from JohnCelestri:
2nd Milestone for Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel
I'd like to announce that my Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel comic has cracked the 100 page mark!”
Thank you,
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InkyMoondrop Drops Blessed Days Final Chapter TRAILER “The Hand”; Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel Cracks the 100 Page Milestone!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 29, 2024
Blessed Days,
Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel,
Final Chapter: The Hand,

©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
HawkandFloAdventures at 3:36PM, April 29, 2024
Congrats everyone! <3
mks_monsters at 2:16PM, April 29, 2024
Congratulations to them!