Photo: “Succubus, the Bloody Mary Murders. Issue #1: The Devil and the Details”. Created by Coydog and TheDeeMan. (2023)
Succubus, the comic, a collaboration by TheDeeMan and Coydog has released its first kindle ebook from the comic on Amazon.
TheDeeMan has written this message:
Just wanted to let you know that Coydog and I just released a kindle ebook issue #1 of our “Succubus” comic. It's called “Succubus, the Bloody Mary Murders. Issue #1: The Devil and the Details”. We hope you guys check it out. You can read it for free if you have Kindle Unlimited>
Darryl Hughes aka TheDeeMan
Succubus, the Bloody Mary Murders. Issue #1: The Devil and the Details"
Congratulations to Stinger9, this year’s Design the Duck trophy winner.
The ballot is an open ballot, write-in your favorite comics!
Ballot will be open from June 11th, 2023 until July 8th, 2023.
~One ballot per person. (Must have a valid Drunk Duck Account)
~No voting for yourself. (That means comics you work on)
~Drunk Duck hosted (or mirrored) comics only.
~Comics must be actively updating (last update June or later) or completed within the last year.
~You may enter a comic in more than one category (however, don't enter it for all categories.)
~You don't have to fill out every category.
~ After you are done please consider volunteering for the Awards as a presenter or judge
~ Email niccea (at) gmail (dot) com any questions/comments/concerns.
Niccea writes:
“The day is finally here!!! The 2023 Awards ballot is open.
Also…I need Presenters and Judges!!! Please consider volunteering. Judges have join our Awards”
If you want to volunteer, post here, PQ Niccea, or see the channel in Discord.
Here is the link for awards voting—
Official Awards Ballot Link:
Discord Link:
PQ Niccea:
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Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei.

Succubus Releases First Kindle eBook; VOTE in the Drunk Duck Awards
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 19, 2023

©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
HawkandFloAdventures at 7:05AM, June 19, 2023
Been following this series when i've had the chance good luck with the book!