Photo: “Blessed Days: Ch. 6 Trailer ‘0:44/1:08’”. Story and art created by InkyMoondrop. (July 2023)
The Super Creator behind the Blessed Days comic project, Inky Moondrop, has Milestones to celebrate and lots of exciting news this week.
InkyMoondrop writes:
The 5th Chapter of Blessed Days ends on the 24th of July, after that a few pages of extra material will be published and before August, the 6th (and final) chapter of the Apocalypse Saga begins. This 6th chapter will be an overall conclusion to pretty much everything that happened so far, of course it will leave room for other Novas to be introduced later, but character development will reach a point where all the now open conflicts are dealt with. Also, the entire plot of the upcoming Chapter 6: Judgment Day will take place within just 24 hours, it will be an action-filled wild ride with the highest stakes so far and after the Saga ends, there will be a 4-year time jump until we pick up the plot again. This time jump will not only allow the characters to grow and change, it will also let us explore lots of new challenges as the events of the Saga finale affects lives on a global level.
One major difference between Ch 6 that will start publishing the following days and Ch 5 is that the amount of pages published / day will be reduced to 1-2 instead of the now prominent 3-5 pages, so I'd have time to write up drafts of the new Saga and create the 7th Chapter that should start sometime in October if all goes well. (+ I need to make time to resume work on Mirage.)
It will hit hard in hopefully all the right places. I've prepared a trailer for Ch 6 with the cover of a well-known song (I specifically commissioned for it), please include it in the announcement, but since it has spoilers, it might be best if I just make it go live and send the link to you on the 23rd, separately. Thank you and enjoy!
(UPDATE from InkyMoondrop on the 23rd of July)
Thank you so much! And here's the url to the Chapter 6 trailer:
Inky Moondrop
Excitement has definitely landed at Blessed Days this week. Be sure to check out the last part of Chapter Five today—and watch the Chapter Six Trailer—it is a Magnificent Masterpiece!
Blessed Days Comic Link
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Blessed Days Milestone-Chapter 6: Judgment Day Trailer Released!!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 24, 2023

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kawaiidaigakusei at 8:22AM, July 24, 2023
You are very welcome, InkyMoondrop!
InkyMoondrop at 6:47AM, July 24, 2023
Thank you for the kind words, Kawaii!