Photo: Comic #3-31 of H18 by hushicho
hushicho has a message:
I just wanted to send you a little news bit: H18 has started its fourth story as of today!
Read H18 on TheDuck:
I hope this is okay to send and I hope you're well! :)
Niccea has returned from a one year hiatus and has this exciting message about the tentative schedule for the 2022 Drunk Duck Awards:
Hello one and all. I'm sorry for not hosting the awards last year, I got bogged down with real life last year. I have come to the realization that something was missing when I wasn't doing the awards. If you will have me back, I would be happy to take up the reins again.
The Awards celebrate the comics, authors, and users that make this site great. For a faster paced discussion, we do have a Discord (linked in the forum discussion).
I do want to make a big change this year. October is a very hectic time in my household, so I would like to push everything up so that we wrap up by then. Please look at the new schedule and tell me what you think. Also if you feel like we need to change up the categories. Please pardon any outdated information on this post as I have to edit it several times.
Planning ~ Now - June
Red Carpet Submissions Accepted ~ TBA
FYC Pages Accepted ~ May - June 18th (more info to come)
The Drunk Duck Award Design Contest
Submissions ~ May 29th - June 4th
Voting ~ June 5th - June 11th
Drunk Duck Awards Voting Opens ~ June 12th - July 9th
Tie Breakers (as needed) ~ July 10th - July 16th
Finalists Announced/Volunteers Assigned ~ July 20th - July 23rd
Judging ~ July 24th - September 10th
Emergency Wrap Up ~ September 11th - September 24th
The Ceremony Begins ~ September 26th
Thank you for the initiative, Niccea!
Sign-up or volunteer to get involved with the Drunk Duck Awards planning committee in the 2022 Drunk Duck Awards forum discussion.
What's Quacking?
Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei. Email me at kawaiidaigakusei(at)gmail(dot)com.
Story Four of H18 has Begun; Niccea is Brewing Up Plans for the 2022 Drunk Duck Awards.
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 21, 2022
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