Latest update news
Sorry this post was so late. I had reasons.
-First up
Alexey has updated the prototype template to hold both main and mobile pages here:
-Second up
I was finally able to get money out of the Anthology and I went through the amazingly torturous process of getting money to Alexey so he can work on stuff for us.
-Third up
People commented last time that the reading list was missing. There were some other things that needed tweaking too so I hard to think long and hard and rearrange stuff. Most importantly I've put all the user functionality into a dropdown accessed by clicking 3 lines under your username. This is really common on sites now so hopefully it should not be too hard to work out.
If I didn't do this the template would have gotten too crowded, especially on the mobile sized version!. The advantage is that we can stick other functionality in there too if needed.
-EDIT- I forgot to stick the messages in there, but they can easily be added.
-Fourth up
I moved all the genre description to the left. This is important because on the mobile size pages they're hidden in the current version. These descriptions will be links to the full lists of those comics by genre in order of popularity.
-Fifth up
The news now has a widget under it for listening to the Quackcast on the front page. So it's not hidden in a sub-page anymore. And there's more of an indication about Patreon. Also, I got rid of the “Blog” stuff. I consider this News not Blogging.
(No Patreon and supporter stuff in here so we keep focus. Tantz will have it tomorrow)
We really super appreciate member comments and suggestions! Please don't go too far off topic with a wish-list of features at this point though, we're going with what we can afford and that's basically working with what we have but making it work better and LOOK better. The main thing is getting the site to be really usable and look good on smaller screens as well as big ones.
DD update post 09/JULY/2022
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 8, 2022
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Ironscarf at 8:25AM, July 10, 2022
That committee must have met in the pub Unk! This looks great Oz, thanks for all your hard work, can't wait to see it in action.
PaulEberhardt at 4:56AM, July 9, 2022
Thanks for all the effort you put in there. If I were new to the site I think my first impression would be one of a site that's well thought through by a community who cares, i.e. perfect. Still needs a duck, though. ;) (Oh, Ok, I'm actually with Unka John: the main thing is that it works smoothly and makes all the functions accessible that we're used to. It'd be a nice touch to include our mascot at some later stage, though.)
Ozoneocean at 11:48PM, July 8, 2022
The important thing at the moment is not adding functionality but that we don't LOOSE functionality that we have by overlooking things. So if you see something that important that's missing please speak up! The reading list was a big one and as you see here I even forgot to put in the messages.
Ozoneocean at 11:46PM, July 8, 2022
I also forgot that I've requested the ability to change colours and logo as an admin feature, so we can adjust that as we go, seeing as the colours are pretty minimal it's not difficult.
Ozoneocean at 11:44PM, July 8, 2022
Thanks guys! @Hushicho- those are great logical ideas, they'll be useful to keep in mind when we've got money <3
Unka John at 7:39PM, July 8, 2022
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the community, Oz. I agree with putting the brakes on "wish lists" at this stage. The giraffe is a horse that was created by committee.
hushicho at 4:04PM, July 8, 2022
It's looking fantastic. Aside from the same thoughts I've had in past -- which are largely subjective and cosmetic -- I think it's a fantastic-looking revamp. A couple of idle considerations came to me this week, like the ability to drag-and-drop reorder links or copy them from one comic to another, or even use one comic's site layout as a template for another, seemed like they might be nice additions if possible, but they're also surely more secondary considerations, if not much more down the line! I love the site's foundation of function, so I am very optimistic for this great-looking redesign. Fantastic work, as always, and so happy to see this update!
PostProduct at 2:57PM, July 8, 2022
Yey! Really want to see this!
plymayer at 12:25PM, July 8, 2022
Good luck I am certain you are working in the best interests of our community.