If you have checked out the Drunk Duck Award Forum thread that is being moderated by Niccea, then you would have seen the list of award categories posted. This is a useful list if you want to see if your comic qualifies for any of the categories before creating a For Your Consideration (FYC) page posted before voting begins on the awards.
Please check out this list! You might see a category that applies to one of your favorite comics and you can let your creator friend know.
Best Adventure Comic:
Quests, missions, explorations, and/or other dangerous or exciting ventures.
Best Adult-oriented Comic:
A-rated comics. XXX No one under 18 admitted! Live nudes! Or excessive violence. Or both!
Best All Ages Comic:
Child-friendly comics that the whole family can enjoy.
Best Anthropomorphic Comic:
They act like people and think like people, but they look like foxes or dolphins or toasters.
Best Community Project:
Comics and projects that bring together a variety of DD members for
massive synergy! (DD Awards are not eligible, for giving ourselves an
award would create a paradox vortex from which there is no escape.)
Best Drama:
A story focused on a real world setting and is character-driven with a focus on emotions. Courtroom dramas, medical dramas, crime dramas, romantic dramas, high school dramas (but when is high school not dramatic?), etc.
Best Fantasy Comic:
Magical, mythical, mystical, marvelous. Comics set in fantastical
settings, involving magic or mythical creatures, abilities, or beings.
Best Horror Comic:
The dark, scary, and twisted. Monsters, psychological thrillers, and
ax-wielding psychos all have their place among these wonderfully
horrific comics.
Best Humor Comic:
Gags, jokes, lols, roflmaos, and such. Format and subject matter aren't important. It just has to make you laugh.
Best Mystery/Crime/Noir:
Crime drama, police, mobsters, mysteries, hard-boiled detectives, and/or meddling kids.
Best Parody/Tribute:
Comics that use the characters, worlds, or creations of other creators. It's not copyright infringement! It's an homage!
Best Philosophical/Political Comic:
Make-you-think comics that address deep topics from the spiritual and philosophical to the cultural or political.
Best Sci-fi Comic:
A form of speculative fiction so named because the fantastical
elements are rooted in or explained by actual or fictional scientific
Best Superhero Comic:
Too super for other categories.
Best Action Within A Comic :
Chase scenes, fights, big explosions; CRASH POW ZOOM – you know the stuff
Best Manga Style Comic:
Comics inspired by the artistic style and conventions of Japanese cartooning.
Most Deliciously Offensive:
These f can be good, bad, or other.
Outstanding Achievement Within the Community:
user that will win this award is always there to particpate in the
community no matter what. These people show their support for the site
within the forums and by participating in community projects.
Most Dedicated Creator:
That creator who seems to be a page-making machine, every day on
time – or maybe the one who has been at it forever and has a thousand
pages of the most amazing quality – or the one who is updating five
different regular comics on a schedule. Whatever they are doing, they
sure are DEDICATED.
Most Supportive Reader:
Maybe they leave the most comments or the most insightful ones, or
they draw wonderful fanart, or they are always available to discuss your
script ideas or send you cards when you're on hiatus.
Best Newcomer Award
Awarded to a newcomer who has come to the site who has really stood out. They could be creators or dedicated readers
Best Completed Comic:
Comics that were concluded sometime between July 2017 and now. (Indefinite hiatus doesn't count.)
Best Overall Comic Strip:
Best webcomic with stand-alone updates or short, unrelated story arcs, usually in a horizontal or vertical strip format.
Best Overall Story Comic:
Best webcomic that tells a continuous story, usually in full page format.
Create Your Own Award
Didn't see the proper award for the comic/person you were thinking of on this
list? Make one up. Create your own award and give it a winner. Best
awards will be chosen by a dedicated team of judges.
Last call to make changes to categories (and to help with a short description for the Drama A.ward)
Readers' Choice Award: Presented to the comic that received the most votes overall.
Best Presenter Award: Presented after the regular awards. Readers vote for their favorite presenter.
What's Quacking?
Do you have any original art to contribute to our stock image database, announcements, community projects, ideas, news, or milestones to report? Please leave general comments below or send a PQ to kawaiidaigakusei. Email me at kawaiidaigakusei(at)gmail(dot)com.
The Incredibly Long List of Drunk Duck Award Categories
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 30, 2018
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
AmeliaP at 11:30AM, May 1, 2018
"Best Antagonist"... I want to try this category, I mean, I want my character to try this category XD.
AmeliaP at 11:28AM, May 1, 2018
@bravo1102: "You know if I sneak in a few updates for Sword of Kings I could keep it in the running for nominations-- hmmm---" YEAH! Do it! I want to read more os SoK!
bravo1102 at 4:44PM, April 30, 2018
Practically no one reads my comics. But I get all these nominations. I'm not doing anything worth an award, I just campaign.
bravo1102 at 4:39PM, April 30, 2018
And you know what? You want best protagonist/antagonist? Or supporting character? Campaign. Past years have shown that if you campaign for a character people will vote for them. If you don't vigorously campaign there'll be 100 votes for 100 different characters. You have a protagonist/antagonist/supporting character worth it? Shout it from the rooftops. Put it in the voter's heads that so-and-so should be considered the greatest character ever.
bravo1102 at 4:35PM, April 30, 2018
Look at the list of categories and ask yourself: Hey what is my comic eligible for? If you're doing an all-ages comic you shouldn't ask for Best Adult. If you do a stick figure gag strip that is done in pen and ink don't ask for nominations in manga style and best non-traditional medium.
bravo1102 at 4:29PM, April 30, 2018
The comic being posted and regularly updating is enough to get it nominated. Trust the process. Ask your readers to vote for your comic and get them to support the awards and your comic. Now remember when nomination time rolls around -- self effacing means a loser who is honest with himself. So if someone is self effacing? He's accustomed to being a loser and is honest about it.
agentny003 at 4:15PM, April 30, 2018
How can I enter or does someone has to nominate me?
Amelius at 2:19PM, April 30, 2018
@mks_monsters: Let your readers know what you'd want to be nominated for on your author's notes or make a campaign page and post that as a comic update to let people know, the organizers will have the nomination forms out when it's time, and fans/readers submit a nomination for their favorite comics to each category.
IronHorseComics at 12:25PM, April 30, 2018
hmm to be tacky and nominate yourself, or to not be tacky and nominate yourself? THAT is the question...
ashtree house at 9:53AM, April 30, 2018
Always exciting time of the year here on the duck!
Ozoneocean at 7:56AM, April 30, 2018
Hahaha Bravo, you're too self effacing to win at that game :D
bravo1102 at 6:02AM, April 30, 2018
You know if I sneak in a few updates for Sword of Kings I could keep it in the running for nominations-- hmmm---
bravo1102 at 6:01AM, April 30, 2018
@ozoneocean: If that were true, we'd still have a best photo-comic award. It's all voting. Beg your readers and convince them to vote for your comic in whatever category you deserve! Campaign, campaign, campaign! Then collect a pile of nominations and lose in every category like bravo or win in every one like Kimluster or El Cid. If you get a nomination people will usually not question how you got the votes so long as you didn't stuff the ballot box by voting for yourself.
mks_monsters at 4:42AM, April 30, 2018
How do I apply for any of these categories or is it out of my hands?
Niccea at 4:34AM, April 30, 2018
Every year I try to cut back on the categories and every year I fail.
Ozoneocean at 12:45AM, April 30, 2018
Hahaha! Too many categories :) I think what tends tends to happen is that everyone lawyers in a chance to win an award by lobbying for a category that's customised to specifically fit them :D