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My webcomic goals this year!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 6, 2017

Sorry about last week’s missed newspost, everyone! Last week’s post happened to fall on “friend Christmas.” I’m the world’s worst adult, and spent the day eating so much holiday junk food that I got sick and had to go to bed rather than finish writing. I hope you were all equally hedonistic and indolent this holiday season!

Now’s the bit where we’re supposed to buckle down, right? New Year’s Resolution time! These are my comic-related goals this year:

Finish book two of my comic.
I suppose I had better finish book one, first! I was doing pretty well for a while making a page every week, but I stopped working on my comic altogether for a few weeks because I was unwell, and haven’t started up again since I started feeling better. The trouble with creating is that it always feels so good to have made something, but it’s always so hard to find the motivation to actually do the work! A friend of mine recently reminded me that action leads to motivation, and not the other way around. Time to stop waiting for motivation to strike.

Finish scripting the comic.
Or at least finish an outline of sorts, if not a complete script. I really need to pull this project together a little bit. I recently thought that I had lost a huge portion of script somehow, and after some frantic searching through my files I realized that I had somehow been working in two different documents – identically named, but in different locations. There are also little ideas floating around in the notes on my phone, and probably handwritten in various journals as well. I feel as though I should sift through everything, get it all in one place, and finish it while I'm still excited about my ideas.

Translate some of my comic into Russian.
Those of you who know me a little bit may know that I study Russian/Soviet history, and that I’m currently applying to grad schools. Of course, a Russian historian has to be able to read Russian, so I’ve been studying pretty intensively for the last eight months or so. My goal is to be comfortable enough with the language to be able to translate something as colloquial as my comic in a few months.

So DDers, do you guys have goals or resolutions related to your comic this year?

Have a comic milestone, a community project or some comic-related news that you'd like to see here? Do you have original art for our newspost image database? Send it to me via PQ or at hippievannews(at), or leave a comment below!
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tys at 1:45AM, Jan. 7, 2017

not for me im not making a comic book. its too hard for a teenager but ile think there will be a next time.

Udyr at 8:09PM, Jan. 6, 2017

That's great, you never really feel like you ever truely finish a script, at least with me, i get new ideas all the time haha. Its all about sticking to your story XD its cool you study russian, one of my roomies studies russian too! Goals: I want to improve my art and writing, and 'maybe' participate comic cons this year here in Norway and have a table/create some stuff for sale (if i dont chicken out...), and I'm going to apply to a comic-contest they hold in every authumn for one of the big newspapers for a slot in it, so I'm working on a second comic idea/comic strip idea for it.

bravo1102 at 6:09PM, Jan. 6, 2017

Goals are deceptive. The unaimed arrow never misses. I did a great job this year not updating any of my comics so if I do anything, I am ahead of the game.

Whirlwynd at 10:02AM, Jan. 6, 2017

My main goal is to have the Lady Unlucky animated trailer finished by April 15. Directly comic-related though, I didn't have anything in mind. I suppose update LU every Monday, and 20 Galaxies every Wednesday when it comes back in August. KimLuster, go you! Completing a webcomic is a rare accomplishment =)

usedbooks at 5:52AM, Jan. 6, 2017

Mine is to stay the course. :P I can manage only a page a week these days. I got a book in print last year, so that was cool, but it takes at least three years (I put them out in novel-length ~200 pages), so it's not one for 2017. I was hoping to do something cool for my 10th Anniversary, but I don't think time will allow.

KimLuster at 4:57AM, Jan. 6, 2017

Yeah... a big one! If I stay on schedule, the Godstrain will be completed this year, probably before the 2017 DD Awards! Hopefully I'll have something new at least in draft stage before the year ends...

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