The Czarina has had the diadem polished up to read those submissions in style. But, astonishingly, it has reached her ears that there may be those who fear The Panel of Judges. How can this be? They’re Lovely ducks, committed to the Good of the People. AND the Happiness of the Czarina. Who could want for more?
(proof! Yeah! PROOF)
Proof you say? Very well.
The Czarina asks the Judges:
1. When you first received your comman-er, invitation to judge script submissions, was your initial reaction:
(a) I’m Thrilled to show my commitment to the Good of the People
(b) Radio Play! radio play? . . .
© How on earth did The Czarina unearth me?
(d) all of the above
(e) other
2. Are you friendly? Very friendly? SO friendly? Or off the charts?
3. And you are happy about being anonymous, for now, because
(a) I believe that would-be lobbyists would demean me with their lowly bribes
(b) It adds even more Thrills to an ever-more Thrilling community project!!
© I didn’t think I had a choice (you didn’t)
(d) all of the above
(e) other
Judge Hahahahahaha reports: 1-©; 2-Very friendly; 3-©
From Judge Wet Dog we learn:
1-(e): . . . decided you were not trying to sell me a laptop or ask me to cash checks for you. . . . decided to go ahead and say yes. as the zombies aren't going anywhere fast.
2: “I'm as friendly as a wet dog.”
3-(e): Am I happy about being anonymous? sure… I'm always sort of anonymous . . .
And Judge 11th Hour responds:
1-(e): My response was: Oooooh…. fun. >:) Followed by an evil cackle.
2: “Let's say I CAN be friendly . . .”
It’s ON: The 2012 DD Radio Play Script Submission!!
skoolmunkee at 4:03AM, Feb. 3, 2012
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
PIT_FACE at 9:06PM, Feb. 8, 2012
the icon for this post is so cute!
ayesinback at 6:42AM, Feb. 4, 2012
Apparently that news flash was so Bright that it woke up Judge Eddie the R, who wants you to know: 1(e): initial reaction was to suddenly have my tablet go fzzzzzzzzzzzzt and become bricked; 2: of course i'm friendly. i crave exposure; 3(e): I've been anonymous since that whole tennis racket incident... did i tell you i was friendly?
ayesinback at 2:05PM, Feb. 3, 2012
NEWS FLASH -- words from the Late Judge DeathKlaww: 1-(e): Finally a chance to destroy the good people of DD from within! I shall use this chance to start my MASTERPLAN! (note from Czarina: OK – so somehow bravo1102 knew about this judge . . .); 2: I have many amounts of friendly. . .; 3-(e): I am very happy being anonymous, it gives me the perfect opportunity to... secretly... help people. @Gunwallace- yes. it is true.
Gunwallace at 11:19AM, Feb. 3, 2012
So it's true ... diadems are a girl's best friend.
Banes at 9:33AM, Feb. 3, 2012 unruly Judge_Pit_Face could be one to strike fear. This is a good reminder for writers! Still, the due date is some distance away; I'm sure some submissions are en route!
ayesinback at 7:22AM, Feb. 3, 2012
humph! all of the judges had to leave their weapons outside the door. it's perfectly safe (for now - I mean they're getting bored what with the lack of reading material. bored isn't good). okay, okay - a spoiler: PIT_FACE is Not one of the judges. see? perfectly safe
bravo1102 at 6:38AM, Feb. 3, 2012
Be afraid would-be writers of radio plays, be very afraid.