First of all, check out the most recent Quackcast, with special guest Hawk (Reed Hawker) of Culture Shock and the Multi-Artist Exchange!
Episode 37: Quackcast, the Animated Series
Hawk of Culture Shock joins skoolmunkee this week, as ozoneocean is away. They have a good time without him though, talking a while about animation and webcomics.
Topics and Show Notes:
Hawk and his involvement in webcomics, animation and games
Animation courses (vs. fine arts or others)
Experience gained in the industry
How animation experience can help in a webcomic
Incorporating animation into comics
Considering comics as animation material
Featured Comic:
The Silver Eye
Related links:
Culture Shock
Multi-Artist Exchange
Also, I can't remember if it was mentioned on the Quackcast, but Hawk also has co-hosted a number of episodes of The Dish, Comic Dish's podcast- so if you enjoyed listening to him you should check those out!
And NOW, With Oz away for the next couple of weeks I could really use some contributions (and recordings would be super great)! It's been a while since we've asked for submissions (something always came up…) but we're gonna try and get that going again:
- I'd like to really promote any community projects going on, so if you're running one (even if you think I already know about it) then please let me know. If you can give me a little blurb to say, or (more interesting for listeners) record yourself promoting it, that would be excellent. Just keep in mind there's a little delay before shows come out, so if you have a really close deadline you might wanna check with me on dates. (Like, if you get a recording to me by Friday, the QC will be released the next Tuesday.)
- Quackcast topics! This week I am looking for some people who have tried using Google Plus for their comics, so if people want to send in a 3 minutes or less, or some sort of text I can read, just about their thoughts, experiences, tips, etc…
- Next week's Quackcast topics! I THINK the topic of next week will be “world building” - how to create/develop an interesting world for your comic. I ought to have a guest there too, but it would be great to have some contributions from people.
So yeah check out this thread about contributing to the QC if you're curious about details please!
Lastly, I've started a thread in Tips, Tricks and Comic Talk about a topic I've been thinking about for a Quackcast… I don't really have enough of a concept about it though and so it'd be super useful (and I think an interesting discussion) to hear other people's thoughts: Non-traditional comics!
New Quackcast is up, and I need your submissions for next time!
skoolmunkee at 12:36AM, Aug. 2, 2011
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