Hocusha, Sorceress for Hire, no job too big or too small! This magical gal does all sorts of odd jobs in order to make a crust, from protecting mafia mob bosses, finding lost dogs, even being a personal shopper and… doing “love” spells. Life is hard as a magician for money though, it's an unusual job and people aren't always in need of magical help, but she gets by.
Hocusha is an exciting, full colour, short form, comedy action fantasy comic set in the modern day. The colours are bold and lovely, the stories are cool and funny and the whole package is pro quality! By Vig Starmax, rated T+
Read Hocsha
And don't forget to listen to Quackcast Episode 22 - Special Interview with ShadowsMyst, Mistress of Marketing.
This time Skool and I get to talk to a REAL expert! -ShadowsMyst (of Brymstone and Shifters Redux). She gives us her expertise on Marketing webcomics, which she knows very well indeed since marketing's what she does for a living and she's been webcomicing since 1998! O_o
You MUST listen to this QuackCast- the power of ShadowsMyst compels you!

Ozoneocean at 12:14AM, April 14, 2011

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