What's up, gang? Just because it's back to business as usual here at DD doesn't mean you can sit around! There's a couple cool things you can participate in going on RIGHT NOW!
Harkovast and ifelldownthestairs have recorded another podcast for The Webcomic Review Comic on The Web! Their first one was very entertaining and I am sure their second one is too. Let's support DDers doing creative things like this! Not only is it a podcast, it's a webcomic review! Head on over and have a listen.
Also just to tease you guys, Ozoneocean and I have been recording some “quackcasts” which talk about the featured comics and some of the community things around the site. Their release has been delayed because of the beta stuff, but they should be up next week so you'll get a backlog of 4 of them to listen to and laugh at us for. :]
The Drunk Duck Name That Voice contest needs more voice submissions! (I even moved it to General Discussion so more people see it.) Just record yourself saying a specific paragraph, upload it before December 3rd, and then you and others will get to try matching up DDer names to voices! Don't be shy, it's just your voice! And I don't want to hear any “do I really sound like that?!”
(I am bringing this up in the news a lot because I really want people to do it!)
Or hey! If you feel like talking but not being recorded, you could join the Quack With the Ducks interview project! I think it is high time for a new round and so we need participants! The idea is simple- you sign up, you get randomly paired up with another DDer. You interview them, and they interview you! The interview then get posted in a special forum and promoted in a newspost. There's a couple rules (to ensure a decent interview) but most of the people who do these find them pretty fun and interesting! I might even sign up this time myself. (Maybe it will encourage me to start updating my comics again???)
The newspost with a lot of talking and voices stuff in it!
skoolmunkee at 12:51PM, Nov. 19, 2010
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