You may have noticed the little WowioTV addition to the righthand sidebar- WowioTV is going to become a regular thing, and Wowio wants to make sure there's Drunk Duck content! That means there's an open invitation to you DDers who feel like dabbling in a little broadcasting! Video is preferred, but podcasts are OK too. You can even develop a regular weekly show!
They're telling us shows maybe can be 15-60 minutes, and they're quite happy to have all kinds of shorter things too, like the kind people developed for the earlier announcements. Oz and I are going to do a show, and there's a couple others lined up, so maybe you guys can put your brainstorm hats on and try out a few things yourselves! Webcomic review show? Drawing advice show? Interviews? All kinds of things!
Just a little poking around on the internet turns up all kinds of easy, free video recording options- Vodburner for Skype, Jing for desktop recording, not to mention the ease of just using your mobile phone or digital camera. (And if you're camerashy like me, there's plenty of ways to get around that…) And for easy video putting togetherness (although I don't think they mind if things are rough around the edges) try! The easiest way for them to get the videos you make is if you post it to youtube (we've put together another thread for it).
I dunno when it will start broadcasting or anything though- so more details as they come!
Today, Saturday, Hyperactive Comics (by hyperactive comics) reaches page 300!
machinehead's new comic Labor Daze has just hit 25 pages!
As of August 4, katfeete's Sunset Grill is two years old! She's also wrapping up a major storyline, so it's a great time to jump in!
And on Friday, Goo From Another Dimension by dimensionalgoo reached 100 strips!
Would you like to be on WowioTV?! and your regular fix of milestones etc!
skoolmunkee at 1:38PM, Aug. 7, 2010
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