The Webcomic Review Comic on the Web is just that- harkovast and ifelldownthestairs have teamed up to bring entertaining comic-shaped critique to their many volunteer reviewees. The art is (mostly) cut and paste, there's a lot of words to read, and they are full of awful puns, but that is all part of the charm. (And somehow they still manage to change it up sometimes.) More imporantly they give each comic a fair shake in its turn, and the to-the-point praise and criticism is honest (though it has ruffled feathers in the past). Most of the reviews are for DrunkDuck comics, which makes it kind of a communit project. A nice ‘extra’ is the inclusion of links to their favorite strips of each particular comic, so you can easily check things out for yourself.
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MONDAY FEATURE -> The Webcomic Review Comic On The Web
skoolmunkee at 3:12AM, Aug. 2, 2010
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