New Creator Interview is up! mina_lunga of Gnoph!
Where we talk about monstrous parasites and also fantasy worlds. Please not that monstrous parasites are NOT necessarily fantasy, some pretty disgusting parasites are out there. Like that one that becomes a fish tongue, ew.
Too much exposition is the bane of comic writers - how do you get across fantasy concepts without using it much?Read the rest of the interview in the forums!
I cheat, and use tricks such as when I have gnoph genetics explained by a geneticist on a blackboard to the other characters (chapter 13). I usually find exposition unnecessary, though, since I rely upon my readers being psychically skilled at reading my mind and understanding what madness is unfolding on the pages.
The self-proclaimed Worst Webcomic Ever by Arson55 has hit episode 25! Check it out, it can't be THE worst, can it?
scruffykitty's Naruto: Blood Inheritance is not only 200 pages, and reached the end of Volume One, but also has a contest going! Details here!
Enkida's Growth has reached 75 pages! Sounds kind of gross when I put it that way…
The One-Panel Case Files (found on the Memesink page) will reach 200 pages on Wednesday! It's a series of single-panel gags telling the story of a noir and macabre household (updates M/W/F). Also, a quick political opinion cartoon is posted every Sunday.
Smoke Manmuscle, P.I. by Mondo Funky is 500 (and one) pages old! Also I am supposed to tell you guys this stuff or I don't get the antidote….
For those who have no idea what's going on:
-God is a beautiful English woman who looks and sounds exactly like Kate Beckinsale and owns a plasma tv.
-Character actor Ron Perlman is an eons-old extra-terrestrial who uses his powers to protect Earth, sleep with starlets, and battle his nemesis, Willem Dafoe.
-Smoke is acting as a body guard for Conan O'Brien, who has been recently mauled by a bear after a failed string-dance.
- White tuxes make everyone looks sharp. EVERYONE!