Big stuff!
lucky7s76 (who is running the Quack with the Ducks community interview project) has now begun posting the user interviews in the Interviews forum! It looks like there will be a new one each day for the next two weeks- awesome! So, if you are interested in finding out a bit more about your fellow duckers, check them out! (And you can still sign up for round 2 as well- check that first link I posted.) Currently up: trevoramueller interviews spiritmonkey, Steely Gaze interviews Iba, and amanda interviews lucky7s76!
At a massive 500 pages is Used Books by usedbooks! Come on guys, she made 500 comics, the least you can do is check them out!
kaion would like everyone to know that his comic Advanced Adventures has reached 50 pages! And it's about… “The adventures of a Teenager and his friends. Kaion (A junior in highschool) Has been chosen as a medium for a Thunder God Named Rakiri. A organazation known the G.E.A(Generated Evolutionary Attributes). Little does Kaion that hes not the only medium…..”
Obscene Cuisine (which is pretty great) by jazzy has reached 75 pages this week! Magnifique!
reboundcomic's REBOUND has posted its 150th “actual” comic! He's a great guy so check out his comic!
Brock (whose avatar I have always really liked) would like everyone to know that The SuperFogeys has reached 125 strips!

I'm on my way, I'm making it (Big Time)
skoolmunkee at 9:29AM, April 24, 2008

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