First announcement is mine! I got dibs!
The next interview will be with inkmonkey of Elijah and Azuu… and, like KC Green's interview, you can send in your own questions for inkmoney! PQ your questions to me (skoolmunkee) but make sure I have them by October 14th!
I wanted to submit a bit of news for my comic, Lancaster the Ghost Detective.
It recently hit 600 pages, and since this is the final episode of the series, I'm also running a contest to see who can spot all 36 guest stars through the episode! Here's the link to the main contest page.
crocty tells me that his comic Frank and Vinny has reached 25 pages! Congrats!
Also at (a slightly belated) 25 pages is Killing Tree Quarterly by keithmccleary!
worstcase's Faults will be 50 strips old on Friday!
Princess and Max want everyone out there to know, Marital Bliss??? The comic strip about love, marriage and animal magnetism just hit the 50th milestone. Check 'em out, your marriage might just depend on it.
And at 600 updates we have Magical Misfits! (It's unstoppable!)