Rumf Adventures Rumf Adventures has reached 200 strips!
Trebor Almasy's A Fairly Twisted Reality has ALSO reached its 200th comic, and is also very nearly 1 year old! (200 comics in a year? You go, man!)
donkas's comic, Beer Noodles will be 100 pages old on the 2nd of November! He describes it as “a dodgy auto bit knock about comic” which to be honest makes no sense to me, maybe it's an Australian thing? But really it's a fun comic so you should go look!
Forums Fun Stuff!
Anystar has written a “markers class” which is sort of like a tutorial, but is much more like an active learning experiement and sounds like fun. :) There will be an “assignment” every week (for 4 weeks or more), and once people have done drawings they can look at each others' and critique them. It's a great opportunity if you have access to art markers and always wanted to try them, or even if you have them and want to experiment and learn.
kingofsnake is proposing a comic remix where artists get to go through the archive of another artist's comic and redraw some old pages, etc. This sounds like a fun experiment too! (And might even turn into sort of a secret santa!)
And lastly
Completely unrelated to Drunk Duck, I found out this week that you can download episodes of This American Life, a fantastic NPR show, from iTunes for only $.95. You can also subscribe to the podcast and get each new weekly episode for free. Drunk Duckers may be especially interested in the episode “Superpowers” (although it's a pay one). Anwyay I was just excited because I think the show is great. :)
Another full news day!
skoolmunkee at 10:18AM, Oct. 28, 2006
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