By popular demand, I'm making a newspost today about a bunch of the community projects that go on in Drunk Duck all the time. Some of these are ongoing and some of them aren't, but they are all pretty interesting. Of course you don't have to participate in all of them, but think of it like an all-you-can-eat buffet â lots of variety and quantity for the price, and you can eat as much of it as you want (unless the family in the corner keeps taking all the crab legs when the lady puts them out). Some of these projects have been around longer than others, but that doesn't really matter at a buffet either, now does it? (There's a lovely image! Maybe I'm not doing these the proper justiceâ¦)
In no particular order:
Comic Reviews
Current review: Mute
Weekly Writer's Challenge
Current challenge: Slither and Friends
Official Drunk Duck Comic Jam
This is a themed comic done in turns by different artists until the story is told or the theme is played through.
Drunk Duck Fusion Comic
Artists take it in turn to create one panel of a comic at a time, while only seeing the panel previous to theirs.
Batman Collaboration
Similar to the comic jams, this one is about Batman and the Joker.
Drunk Duck Road Rally
Sign up for the racing-themed comic jam. (Successor to the Dodgeball jam).
Starving Artists
A group webcomic taking place in a collective location and with a longer-themed story. SA is trying to get back up off the ground now that DD is back, so if you were a member (or if you weren't and you want to be) come on over!
Aus Comics
Began as an Australians-only group webcomic, but I think will accept anyone now.
Zooker's game
An interesting game proposed by a forum member, where someone gives him a single panel and, imitating the drawing style, he draws the rest of the comic.
Drunk Duck Sketch Thread and
You get to post your sketches here (and look at other peoples').
Speed Painting and
Post your speed paintings here. The idea of speed paintings is to get the idea down as fast as possible- more about artistic instinct than being correct or precise.
Post your lovely mens and ladies here! Note that there are some images posted in this thread that wouldn't be considered work-safe, so if you are at work, don't click!
Dictionary of Imaginary Places in Webcomics
A startup thread where you can post encyclopedia-like entries about the imaginary locations in your webcomic. It seems promising!
DD Chat
If you don't go to the chat, you will make Black Kitty cry.

The Community Post
skoolmunkee at 11:59AM, Feb. 22, 2006

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