MAFIA... and other forum games

Creative Road Rage
PaulEberhardt at 2:40AM, April 20, 2024
posts: 196
joined: 7-21-2007
Warning! There may be some strong language in this thread!

This game originated as a way to make being stuck in traffic jams less boring. It's also a great way to let off some steam when being annoyed at other drivers. (My tolerance level is actually pretty high, but shouting abuse is an official safety advice to prevent road rage - really true!)

This is how it works: look at the licence plate of a random car nearby and make up a creative insult from the letters, as if they were an abbreviation. Ideally this insult should refer to poor driving skills, but anything goes. It may be a descriptive phrase (HB = half blind, hairy balls; HL = hopeless loser) or a statement (CD = can't drive; HB = humps badgers) or just a “colourful metaphor” (FU = get lost ; HB = hellbound bastard/bitch).

Please note that creative spellings are permissible, especially with letters like K, Q, X and so on (XI = X-traordinary idiot; KF = katastrophic failure), and you can turn several letters into one word as long as it would be plausible as an actual abbreviation (HB = harebrained).

The original traffic jam game is about speed: the first one who can come up with something gets a point, the one with most points wins, but let's drop that points nonsense here in the forum and just say that especially creative ideas earn you bragging rights.
So I'll give you a licence plate below, and the first one who posts a transliteration gets to add a new one for us all to slander.
last edited on April 20, 2024 2:45AM
PaulEberhardt at 2:42AM, April 20, 2024
posts: 196
joined: 7-21-2007
Licence plates from any country will work. All they need is some letters in them - and as most have a variable random group of one to three letters in some position, it'll probably work almost everywhere in the world with just a few exceptions.

In some countries, like the UK and Germany, the first letter group is an area code. Since the local code usually repeats itself very often in any traffic jam, they may be ignored, so for the benefit of everyone not from your country you might want to highlight which letter group is meant to be part of the game. E.g. WL - DL 312 (dumb loser; decidedly laughable)

Btw. German area codes often have traditional “transliterations” anyway (OHZ - actually the district of Osterholz-Scharmbeck = “ohne Hirn zugelassen” or “Oma hat Zeit” = “licensed without a brain” or “Grandma's got time”). I don't know if such a tradition exists in any other country, but it's another reason to ignore area codes. However, if you see a chance of incorporating the unmarked letters in a fun way, don't let anyone keep you. (WL - DL 312 = would like (a) driving licence)

One last thing: you can use made-up licence plates or those of anyone who annoyed you, but please keep to yourself whose it is. We don't want this to become personal.
last edited on April 21, 2024 10:59AM
PaulEberhardt at 2:43AM, April 20, 2024
posts: 196
joined: 7-21-2007
All right! Let's buckle up and get started:

PI - CM 89

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