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A written comic... here? On this site???
DylanTale Comics at 12:36PM, Jan. 7, 2023
posts: 31
joined: 8-14-2022
So, with my main comic series almost fully planned out, I've been thinking of some ideas for other projects I could post on this site. One of them involves a short story series I've worked on time to time. My first thought was posting a couple of paragraphs per page on here as images, but then I scrapped that idea due to it not really counting as a comic. Recently, I thought about the idea of a written comic where it would have just text, BUT the text itself would be visually appealing and laid out as a comic book. A couple of examples would include…

-Main text in 4-5 boxes in the usual comic format
-Dialogue bits in the form of speech bubbles (think of texting on your phone where you're on the right and the other person is/people are on the left)

I haven't done any work on this at all, nor is this official yet. I've seen a lot of comics on here that break the mold of what the average comic looks like, so I thought this could be that mold breaker for me. Let me know what you guys think!
Looking for a good story involving time travel AND multiverse travel? Check out my Faceless Comics series, which starts here!
InkyMoondrop at 6:51PM, Jan. 7, 2023
posts: 362
joined: 7-14-2022
Reminds me of how I jokingly made a sword in my comic “so powerful that it attaches itself to the wall”, simply because fuck it, I'm not gonna bother drawing the rack. We are very creative and resourceful when it comes to shortcuts. To answer your question: I can imagine reading material that is intriquing or original enough to get me hooked without relying much on visual storytelling, but it would probably have to be something that would be less of an experience told any other way. Something that is not less because of this, but more. And that's really hard to achieve, when you're basically just presenting text in a way that looks decent. I like that you're thinking outside the box and all, but you should probably ask yourself if your comic wants to be told that way or if it's just a shortcut.
last edited on Jan. 7, 2023 6:52PM
DylanTale Comics at 7:05PM, Jan. 7, 2023
posts: 31
joined: 8-14-2022
InkyMoondrop wrote:
Reminds me of how I jokingly made a sword in my comic “so powerful that it attaches itself to the wall”, simply because fuck it, I'm not gonna bother drawing the rack. We are very creative and resourceful when it comes to shortcuts. To answer your question: I can imagine reading material that is intriquing or original enough to get me hooked without relying much on visual storytelling, but it would probably have to be something that would be less of an experience told any other way. Something that is not less because of this, but more. And that's really hard to achieve, when you're basically just presenting text in a way that looks decent. I like that you're thinking outside the box and all, but you should probably ask yourself if your comic wants to be told that way or if it's just a shortcut.

That is a really good point, and I do highly value quality with my content in general. This is definitely something to think about. I will admit that I did have the mindset with the first version of this idea. If I do go through with this future project, I will definitely try to find a way to put as much effort into this as I do with my other projects.
Looking for a good story involving time travel AND multiverse travel? Check out my Faceless Comics series, which starts here!
last edited on Jan. 7, 2023 7:09PM
Furwerk studio at 8:26AM, May 6, 2023
posts: 279
joined: 12-18-2019
I was going to ask, because I kind of had an idea of a prose story but with each page there is some kind of image depicting a scene or an object and is curious is something like that against the TOS or is it okay?

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