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"Post a video"
Dave Mire at 6:00PM, Sept. 26, 2022
posts: 69
joined: 12-24-2009
in the user control panel there is a place entitled, “post a video” and it says to post a url.
I've tried and it still keeps telling me it's not there.
What kinds of videos are acceptable here?
it's a youtube video of a cartoon i made 12 years ago.(has it been that long)
is it denying me the url or is there a screening process by administrators first before acceptance?
J_Scarbrough at 6:04PM, Sept. 26, 2022
posts: 757
joined: 8-23-2022
Apparently the ability to embed or share YouTube videos has been disabled system-wide some time back, despite the option to add one to our profile pages in the user control panel still being there.

Joseph Scarbrough
YouTube :: Facebook :: Instagram
Ozoneocean at 9:28PM, Sept. 27, 2022
posts: 29,088
joined: 1-2-2004
It'd probably be easy to add back in but I don't want to add it to Alexey's plate while we're already paying him to work on the site redesign.

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