Comic Talk and General Discussion *

GeekyGami at 4:23PM, Sept. 21, 2022
posts: 26
joined: 7-15-2022
Hey, any one of you have experience with that site?
It seems to be an aggregator of some kind.

I noticed my comic's been put up on there, and everything seems mostly cosher (?) though I don't know the logistics of it.

I've been trying to claim the page that was made for like, weeks now.

What's that platform, what is it for, what does it do,
and is it benefitial in the long-run for our comics, or detrimental?

What about statistics? Do they appear in our stats anyways or does watching through that site as a proxy nullify that?
last edited on Sept. 21, 2022 4:24PM
Genejoke at 10:48AM, Sept. 22, 2022
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
I looked it up, seems its a listing service that directs to comics. Seems pretty legit… I think. My stuff appears to be on their list, dunno if it's auto generated or if someone put it there but links to DD.
Ironscarf at 12:17PM, Sept. 22, 2022
posts: 1,957
joined: 9-9-2008
Yes, been around for a long time and I've never seen any negative comments. You can use the site to follow and bookmark your faves apparently. I gave them a follow on Twitter but have yet to check out the site.
J_Scarbrough at 2:19PM, Sept. 22, 2022
posts: 771
joined: 8-23-2022
I've recently discovered Webcomicsfeed, which seems to be something really similar, if not the same thing (only with no way of commenting, rating, subscribing, or anything). In addition to DD, I gave them a whirl for no other reason other than to have a simple “backup” archive for my comic.

Joseph Scarbrough
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