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Supplemented: Birdmentimes' Hero
Othosmops at 2:32AM, March 24, 2022
posts: 74
joined: 9-29-2007
I forgot to introduce myself.
There seems to be a general fear by now that the future will not be quite as rosy as the present, but the SF stories to date in this regard seem to be either totally Mad-Max apocalyptic (“messianic”), or they deal with specific problems, taking too little account of the fact that other resources might fail as well.
There are some constants in world history: Eg, a kind of political continuity.Some competitors may disappear from the market, but most, somehow manage to stay. So we will have to expect old acquaintances in the future as well. And the second is the urge in humans to want to live (and love) and hope even in the worst case scenario. I want to show both in my novela.
Unfortunately, current world history seems to be even more meshugger than I dared to imagine in my nightmares.
Anyway - maybe some things will turn out well and we'll end up in the year 2078 with “Birdmentimes's Hero” after all.
PostProduct at 9:34AM, July 9, 2022
posts: 8
joined: 2-1-2022
The story looks very interesting and I will definitely read it as soon as peace comes and the events of the comic will not remind me of the horrors outside the window. I wish you more readers and comments! :)

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