Hey! Welcome to Follower! I'm glad you're joining us on this adventure~
Follower is updating in reruns every day here on The Duck until it's caught up to the main site. Then it'll change over to the same schedule. You can read much further ahead of what's here if you check out our main website: http://follower.messenger-comic.com
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We have a shop full of books and other goodies if you check out http://radiochio.com/shop!
You can also find Follower (and our other work) in other places on the internet:
COMICS: http://mesenger-comic.com http://follower.messenger-comic.com
WEBSITE: http://radiochio.com
PATREON: http://patreon.com/bugbyte
GUMROAD: http://bugbyte.gumroad.com
TWITCH: http://twitch.tv/radiochio
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/radio_chio/
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/radio_chio
If you have other questions about the comic, or how it's made, or anything of that sort, post 'em here!
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