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How did you spend your new years eve and new years day?
Ozoneocean at 9:04PM, Jan. 1, 2021
posts: 29,092
joined: 1-2-2004
I know CoVid-19 around the world has put a damper on a lot of people's plans…

We didn't have that issue in my state of Western Austraia because we wiped out CoVid-19 many months ago and closed all the borders to everyone else, hahaha!
So you could go out and do what you wanted.
BUT I absoloutely didn't feel like that.
I had offers and oportunities but all I wanted to do was stay home.

So I watched the end of the US Office, which was relly touching and nice. And I sewed new lace onto my 18th centry style white tricorn hat. I felt wonderful and calming. The best I've felt on any new years for ages!

usedbooks at 4:39AM, Jan. 2, 2021
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I visited my brother for NYE. We are both living alone and super isolated (he's been house-sitting for my parents since January 2020; they were supposed to return last April, lol). We played Dragon Quest XI all day. But I had to leave at three to get home before dark/traffic.

Woke up NYD with a migraine and in clumsy mode all day. So, I couldn't do any cooking or heavy chores, and I couldn't even work on my comic. I spent the day in my recliner watching Murder She Wrote and playing Stardew Valley on my phone.
bravo1102 at 1:22PM, Jan. 2, 2021
posts: 6,307
joined: 1-21-2008
I took off the week after Christmas, pretty much moped and watched old movies on YouTube trying to get motivated to get back to updating the comic.

New Years Day I worked and it was so slow I spent the time binge watching Fairy Tail. It's a stupid kind of fun that can inspire and motivate me. Back to work on Monday.
Banes at 9:16AM, Jan. 3, 2021
posts: 690
joined: 8-13-2008
Did some errands to prepare for work on the afternoon of the 31st - then worked until the evening and went home. They say what you're doing at NYE midnight will be what you do all year, so I thought I should be doing something creative, like writing a new story or working on an old one. But I was cooking chicken. I guess that'll be my 2021…

New Year's Day watched lots of YouTube, took a short walk and went to a friend's small gathering. Very chill. Later the wine came out and I drank lots of it. I rarely do this so I was worried about how sick I'd be the next day (wine is insidious). Woke up early and refreshed though! Praise the New Years' Gods! Or…spirits?

L.C.Stein at 3:05PM, Jan. 3, 2021
posts: 109
joined: 10-2-2020
Happy Near Year!

That hat looks pretty epic :D

On New Years Eve I walked to the store and got two mini bottles of champagne. Hubs does not drink champagne and I didn't want to have have a bottle to myself (for the record I would have DESTROYED a whole one, just didn't want to get stupid drunk), so I got mini ones.

I was very lazy on New Year's Day too. It was rainy, cold, and I had no where to be, so I slept uber-late, and played a lot of Candy Crush. Hubs had to work so I was alone. Drank my other mini champagne and made frozen crab-cakes and a salad for the week…

In other words, living that introvert dream!

I also can't seem to stop buying naughty foods…Target now has Cadbury mini-eggs!!
rickrudge at 6:25PM, Jan. 10, 2021
posts: 129
joined: 10-3-2019
I’m an old fart, so my wife and I normally have a light-weight new years eve, anyway. This time, we ate store-bought frozen pizza. Later, we sat in the living room watching old “Justified” episodes on the DVD and had a nice long kiss at midnight and listened to all of the fireworks.

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