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CoVid-19, what's happened in YOUR part of the world because of the virus?
Ozoneocean at 2:44AM, March 19, 2020
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
I thought this would be interesting, to share stories, since we're affected by thins globally.


In Australia we haven't been that hard hit yet, by all events over 500 people are supposed to be canceled, there's going to be restrictions on traveling into the country, the island state of Tasmania is basically completely closed of. There are shortages in the shops of hand sanitiser, toilet paper, tissues, paper towels… There are less people going out and in the streets.


The biggest issue I've faced in my work though- since I do graphic design for promotional art and now most companies are canceling promotional events and cutting back on costs to account for the losses incurred because of the virus, non-essential spending like promotional art is taking a big wallop.
I might have to go on paid leave… I have 9 weeks of that. After that it's unpaid O_O
That's all my holidays wasted.
And even after that I might not have a job!

I can always find another I suppose, Graphic design is always needed, but I really don't wanna!

My partner is an emergency nurse. She's been on leave since the outbreak really started… but she goes back to work next week. That should be an adventure. The care and response center for my state is at her hospital.


So, what's happening with you guys?
BearinOz at 5:53AM, March 19, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
ozoneocean wrote:

In Australia we haven't been that hard hit yet, by all events over 500 people are supposed to be canceled, There are shortages in the shops of hand sanitiser, toilet paper, tissues, paper towels… There are less people going out and in the streets.


The biggest issue I've faced in my work though- since I do graphic design for promotional art and now most companies are canceling promotional events …I might have to go on paid leave… I have 9 weeks of that. After that it's unpaid O_O
That's all my holidays wasted.
And even after that I might not have a job!

So, what's happening with you guys?

I've been a hand sanitiser carrier, since I was on dialysis in 2004…so you can imagine I was a bit peeved to find the plebs had vacuumed it all up along with all that dunny roll !! - luckily I got some at my regular pharmacy.

I've been thinking about the leave, I can empathise, as I lost about 6 months long-service, being sick when I got kidney failure and used it up, only to find later I could've gone on a Superfund scheme, which I later used to take 2 days a week off (at 80% pay) when I went in dialysis.

I guess at least we're better of than the seppos, though, who don't even get that ! Lower-paid workers aren't even entitled to annual leave. My son - working at the labs of a university hospital (and with me immuno-compromised) - was hoping they'd be working from home. NO such luck ! Many are, but since he's responsible for equipment…not him.

I'm glad I'm not stuck in some pokey one-bed, like people in many parts of the world ! I've been living in a/c for months, virtually 24/7, and getting out on my scooter, occasionally. So I'm used to “self-isolating” …but today was one of those perfect Qld. days - 27C 50%H and virtually no wind. I opened up windows and doors. My french window I just shoved open and it didn't move a millimetre, all arvo. Perfect ! I've got a yard like a rainforest too. So I'm one of the lucky ones, in that respect.

So…how's everyone else ?
Niccea at 6:23AM, March 19, 2020
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Since I'm pregnant, my husband and I meet our companies' guidelines for being part of a vulnerable population. That means our respective employers sent us home first. Effective yesterday we both work at home. My husband's company still doesn't have work from home access set up yet, so he has been receiving full pay for sitting at the house and playing Mortal Kombat the last two days. Though my company started work from home on Monday, I refused to work at home until the company issued computer was set up and tested.

Thankfully, my husband and I buy in bulk so we had plenty of toilet paper, rice, and frozen meat then this began. We also have atypical tastes in good compared to our neighbors, so many of our kitchen staples were still in stock. We only had trouble finding milk and bread, but I got lucky and found some at the second store I tried.

Though schools are closed in our area, daycare are still operating with draconian health and sanitation measures.

On another positive note. I didn't know what to all for Christmas last year, so I told my sister-in-law what scents I like at Bath And Body Works
I ended up getting five handsoaps and two pocket bacs. I raised my eyebrow at her then, but now my unusual Christmas gift is paying off.
rickrudge at 4:02PM, March 19, 2020
posts: 129
joined: 10-3-2019
My wife and I are retired so we’re both fortunate that we aren’t getting laid off from a job. They have closed the schools, movie theaters, bars, and restaurants (except for places offering take-out or delivery). Businesses where more than 200 employees work are closed too. We have some investments, but they’re in the toilet with the economy.

We’ve been hanging out at home a lot; social distancing/isolation. The Spring weather is here, so we have been planting in our garden a little earlier than we normally do. I’ve also gotten on my motor scooter and gone on some nice rides. The traffic has been quiet. However, big events like Spring Scoot and many of the parades and other public events have also been cancelled. I’ve been enjoying drawing, playing on the computer and watching TV (I’ve got a big DVD collection). I’ve also enjoyed doing Facetime with my son and grandchildren.
last edited on March 23, 2020 9:23AM
Tantz_Aerine at 6:03PM, March 19, 2020
posts: 2,029
joined: 10-11-2006
Here everything except hospitals, banks (mostly only online), the police, super markets, pharmacies and take out places are shut down by order of the government. Gatherings of above 10 people are banned, and now we're looking at a complete ban and curfew on all unnecessary commuting and going around outside our homes.

Also businesses are forbidden from firing people. Subsidies were passed today of 800 euro to everyone that is not working due to quarantine.

Thankfully we are low on panic, and our supermarkets are fully stocked (including TP). The one exception is hand sanitiser and antiseptics but according to the government, come Monday everything will be fully restocked and ratioed to avoid hoarding. We got upwards of 400 coronavirus cases and 6 deaths.

We've been staying indoors since Saturday, with the exception of Monday when we had to go shopping for 15 days. Did that with latex gloves on. Grocery delivery is extremely backed up. We have placed another order to be delivered, and it'll arrive on April 4, to give you an idea. Income is straining, but I'm hoping to get my ebooks ready soon to mitigate that. :)
last edited on March 19, 2020 6:16PM
bravo1102 at 4:14AM, March 20, 2020
posts: 6,309
joined: 1-21-2008
My employer put out a special letter for all workers to carry so we don't get interrupted due to the various isolation orders. I'm an essential worker. My vacation is ending and I did a lot of the pre-production work for the comics along with catching up on all the recent movies I wanted to see.

Schools and the library are closed, all food is take-out only and the roads are wonderfully empty. But the wheels of commerce are still turning and that requires petroleum and that's where I work. So Monday I'm back to the grind.

Hopefully with the travel bans and such there won't be too much traffic at work, so I might have some easy days of social distancing.
MegaRdaniels at 5:17AM, March 20, 2020
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Banes at 8:42AM, March 20, 2020
posts: 690
joined: 8-13-2008
So far, I'm still working my full schedule. I wish I could work from home. Or actually, I wish I could stay home, not have to work,
and still be paid. As long as I'm wishing for things, might as well make it good!

usedbooks at 9:11AM, March 20, 2020
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
My parents' three-month visit to Australia (to visit my sister) was supposed to end March 29th. My dad is 71 and diabetic. Their return has been indefinitely delayed. My sister has scrambled around with paperwork and doctors to apply for new types of visas so they can stay.

I'm still in my usual half-year unemployment. Scheduled to start my seasonal job May 10th. As far as I know, that will still happen. Schools are closed in Roanoke, VA (USA). I think they are closed for all of VA and also for WV (where I grew up and have many friends and family). It doesn't affect me personally very much. I live alone. I hate social events. I spend six months a year unemployed.

My brother lives two hours away (house-sitting for my parents, but also he lives in their basement). We were going to visit each other, but he was super sick last week with a fever of 103 and crippling headache. So we decided to maintain distance from each other for a couple weeks more.
Avart at 10:30AM, March 20, 2020
posts: 132
joined: 2-19-2017
I'm doing home office today. Next week I'll be in my office just 2 days. We make paint applicators so as for now, sales are a bit slow. Big stores like Home Depot or Walmart give preference to sanitizing vendors.

Panic hasn't reached us (for now) and stores are just implementing safe protocols.
Ironscarf at 10:33AM, March 20, 2020
posts: 1,957
joined: 9-9-2008
UK schools, pubs, clubs, restaurants, gyms and other meeting places officially closed, just announced today as the voluntary shutdown was not working. Supermarkets will remain open but hoarders empty the shelves of essentials first thing every morning. They keep saying there's plenty to go around and that may be true, but if it's all going into the lofts, freezers and cupboards of the same people every day it's feck all use to those who are going without.
mg78 at 3:22PM, March 20, 2020
posts: 10
joined: 9-5-2016
here milan / italy

what i can is… well it s just a mess.
healthcare s going crazy. doctors and nurses are working 16h shift to give to the sick “more help possible”. and this battle… have cost: some of them died too. plus, let's say that it s not official but “they choose who save” because ICU arent infinite.

then there s the fact that we are italian. this mean, rules “are optional” for some “smart ass”. in the news paper there s always a new article about “police founded this or those doing… whatever” (and there was a LOT of news about)

a thing that s starting to make me feel like a lost battle is what the politician are imposing about supermarket/ipermarket opening hours: give a short time to be open, like from 8am to 7pm.
what a great idea!!!!
so now there s, even before the opening (like hours), there s already houndred of meters of people in queue outside the store.
last time i went to the supermarket i choosed to go in the night. @ 3:30am. i did it quickly, there was none like in a post atomic city. from 1 week the supermarket must stay close during night.
good, more people during day… also because online shop are fucked up.
it went offline from the 1st day of quarantine and now if u want to buy u have to wait online for like 12/24h. hoping the site ll never go offline again…

and then there s work. a lot of colleagues are sick. one was hitted hard. it s not official but we know that “an area” s under sanitization…
i am scared to become sick. not for me, i should pass over with some scar… BUT the problem are my parents. they are old and this mean a % to die quite elevate. we know it and we cant do too much about.
those military camion are carrying dead bodies from bergamo's hospital to other incinerator. just “an ordinary day”.
bergamo city / area was heavy hitted. but everyone, whoever live, know its just a matter of time for the war of milan. if my city collapse… nothing good there ll be.

i survived safe today. maybe.
tomorrow… ll be another story.
Ozoneocean at 6:49PM, March 20, 2020
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
mg78 wrote:
here milan / italy

i survived safe today. maybe.
tomorrow… ll be another story.
Wow! That's horrible! I hope a vaccine is do Nd soon, that sounds terrible. People can't go on like that.
BearinOz at 9:50PM, March 20, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
MG78 wrote “… more people during day… also because online shop are fucked up.”

yeah. I usually get the bulk of my shopping from Coles, ordering online and delivered. So…I go to do a top-up shop, yesterday, and they've stopped it ! Now I'll have to go out on the scooter, amongst the ‘plebs’, when I need to hunter-gather. So much for avoiding going out !
bravo1102 at 7:57AM, March 23, 2020
posts: 6,309
joined: 1-21-2008
One would think that with so many on self isolation there would actually be posts here. Guess everyone is binge watching Friends or something. :D

I was watching Carol Burnett episodes from 1977.

And working on a script. But I'm at work. A security guards are essential public safety employees.
Ironscarf at 5:52PM, March 23, 2020
posts: 1,957
joined: 9-9-2008
UK on enforced lockdown as from tonight. Police now have powers to break up gatherings and impose fines. Too many of our fellow citizens were keeping calm and carrying on as if nothing was happening, others panic buying like it was going out of fashion. Nobody is supposed to go out now except to:

* Exercise once a day, while remaining at least two metres away from anyone they don't live with.

* Buy essential provisions or obtain medicines and then only when absolutely necessary.

* Provide care for those who need it.

* Travel to and from work if you are an essential worker and absolutely cannot work from home.

All non essential businesses and meeting places are now required to close their doors. No gatherings of more than two people should take place unless they are members of the same household. London Transport services continue to run at reduced levels for essential workers. These restrictions will remain in place for at least three weeks, probably longer subject to review and further restrictions will be introduced if and when deemed necessary.

e: I wonder if limes can be classed as essential? Not sure I can survive this without fresh lime in my G&T.

last edited on March 23, 2020 5:57PM
El Cid at 6:01PM, March 23, 2020
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Wow, that sounds like prison!

And not even *regular* prison; it's like you're being punished for forking another inmate in the cafeteria!
BearinOz at 10:59PM, March 23, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
Ironscarf wrote:
Too many of our fellow citizens were keeping calm and carrying on as if nothing was happening

e: I wonder if limes can be classed as essential? Not sure I can survive this without fresh lime in my G&T.
Absolutely, old chap ! I'm sure H.M.Govt. don't want a scurvy outbreak complimicating this pandemic thingy ! You are allowed out for essential shopping, so get them, along with the milk, eggs, bread, caviar, gin, etc.

I liked Richard Osman's comment, that those who were congregating together and spouting about “Dunkirk spirit” should realise that in that analogy they were in fact acting like the Luftwaffe ! B-)
last edited on March 23, 2020 11:00PM
Ironscarf at 7:08AM, March 24, 2020
posts: 1,957
joined: 9-9-2008
Lol yes! How prison like it is depends on how well you can deal with being locked in with your loved ones for most of the day. D:

As for Dunkirk Spirit, some apparently expressed the opinion that stopping normal daily life was ‘giving in’ to the virus! This should be rebranded as the Dumbkirk Spirit.
Avart at 11:03AM, March 24, 2020
posts: 132
joined: 2-19-2017
Hi everybody!

Just want to share this little art about Basic prevention measures. I know there are many more, but just the basic to start (sorry if the image is too long).

Hope all of you and your families are doing well.

last edited on March 24, 2020 11:07AM
Ozoneocean at 2:48AM, March 25, 2020
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Good post Avart!

I'm mostly staying in doors, but I have to do a bit of travel through the city… When I do I mask up.

They havne't closed to schools here… I REALLY wish they bloody would.
bravo1102 at 6:25AM, March 25, 2020
posts: 6,309
joined: 1-21-2008
I work in an essential industry. No one is isolating. And you honestly think any of the lunkheads in the petroleum industry will not go to work if they have flu like symptoms let alone test positive?

I can't afford not to work! Must go to work.

Rather kill us all, yeah thanks.
BearinOz at 7:21AM, March 25, 2020
posts: 205
joined: 10-23-2010
ozoneocean wrote:
I'm mostly staying in doors, but I have to do a bit of travel through the city… When I do I mask up.
So…how long have you been a superhero, Oze ? B-)
Genejoke at 1:57PM, March 25, 2020
posts: 4,270
joined: 4-9-2010
Iron scarf covered what the UK is like, for my personal experience, well before things were shut down I had been in isolation due to having symptoms. I've shaken off whatever it was and was tested for Corvid19 but still haven't had results back. Now we're in a lockdown or whatever the government want to call it, well it's much the same but the lack of social contact is tough, especially after a few weeks of isolation. My parents in Spain are worried, there it's a stricter lockdown and there's a lot of cases in their area. Luckily they live out in the country and have a large property and lots of land. A friend of theirs has already lost his father and daughter in law to it inside a week though. Scary times.
Gunwallace at 11:46PM, March 25, 2020
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
Stay safe, my webcomic friends. As a silly thing I have made my cookbook available on The Duck for anyone needing to cook during lockdown or whatever.Have a laugh and a meal in these crazy times.

Here in NZ we are in a 4 week household isolation lockdown. Strange days.
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
lothar at 2:56AM, March 26, 2020
posts: 1,800
joined: 1-3-2006
I think Japan might be the only country not on lockdown. I'm writing this on a crowded subway right now. Shit seriously doesn't seem all that different except for a shortage of certain things at the stores and 90% of people wearing masks. I sometimes forget there is a global fucking pandemic going on.
Ozoneocean at 9:25AM, March 26, 2020
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
BearinOz wrote:

So…how long have you been a superhero, Oze ? B-)
Hahaha! 😷🤣
I'm too busy leaping tall buildings to remember 😁


@Genejoke- that's horrible about your parents and their friends. I hope they'll be ok over there.

@Lothar- Stay safe man!
Tantz_Aerine at 5:49PM, March 26, 2020
posts: 2,029
joined: 10-11-2006
So we've been on lockdown since Monday. Basically nobody gets out without a special logging/permission of your suggested itinerary and only for trips to the doctor/hospital, supermarket, pharmacy, bank, or special aid or work. Anyone breaking curfew has a fine of 150 euro and it might increase if people don't comply.

Comparatively speaking, we're at the ‘so far so good’ status. However, we've had a couple of alarming deaths today, of young, fit people with no underlying medical conditions seemingly getting better, then suddenly getting worse and dying in the span of like 4 hours or so. That's where we're at.

Gonna have to go out on Monday myself for essential chores I can't do at home.
Ozoneocean at 4:43AM, March 27, 2020
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
I just went to an impromptu open are concert on a suburban street. People were social distancing nicely, except the kids.
I'm glad I had a mask on.

Kids will be the death of us all. …if they don't die off first.
Ozoneocean at 10:48AM, March 27, 2020
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
I've just been looking up about surgical masks… I think there's a bit of propaganda about them and half truths maybe?
-so that people don't horde them or deplete the reserves so that there's not enough for healthcare workers.
They say they can't protect you against the virus and yet medical staff wear them in a healthcare situation to do just that…
(obviously practicing a lot more care)

If something reduces your chances of getting the virus by a mere 30%, then it's worthwhile. It doesn't need to provide you with 100% protection.
Even if it prevents you from touching your face it's worthwhile.

They even say there are only 2 kinds of masks that work: n-95 and disposable surgical masks… That seems weird. I have a heavy duty respirator mask that I use when handling toxic stuff when I'm making things. It's rubber, seals to the face perfectly, has two huge filters. It shits all over any n-95 mask.
Just add goggles and you're right :D


Anyway… if you're in a high risk situation it's obviously not that simple. The whole outside of the mask would have to be cleaned, which is why disposable ones make more sense for surgical applications and my respirator mask would be no use unless under a plastic shield, but for walking around the streets, shopping, riding the bus etc, a washable mask with a disposable filter should definitely help more than hinder!

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