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Welp...there's a trailer on The Lion King. At least give it 20 more years. Jeaus!!!!!!!!!
MegaRdaniels at 3:59PM, Nov. 22, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Nothing is sacred. What's next Dora The Explorer? Oh shit…never mind. That shit is going to be produced by Michael Bay.
JaymonRising at 6:16PM, Nov. 22, 2018
posts: 96
joined: 9-21-2018
It wasn't TOO bad. I'd call that more of a full length teaser than an actual trailer (plus the CGI is at least well done if not 50% realistic, and I'm always grateful to have the Emperor of the night himself Mr. Jones still making movies if he wants)
bravo1102 at 3:12AM, Nov. 25, 2018
posts: 6,276
joined: 1-21-2008
Remake? From what I've seen it's more a homage or tribute in CGI to the original. Besides they want to add in all the new songs from the Broadway show the same as they did with Beauty and the Beast.
MegaRdaniels at 4:41AM, Nov. 25, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Eh, you may have a point. I'll check it out. Not a big Lion King fan but I'll check it out. I just got tired of remakes and reboots is all.

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