HA General Discussion

Sentinels of the Multiverse HA decks?
irrevenant at 4:40PM, July 30, 2018
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
I'm getting very into the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game right now. Anyone else play that?

I was thinking it would be very cool to put together some downloadable custom hero decks for HA characters.

Bombshell seems a good place to start. Any objections to me using art of her from HA/HU/her own title on the cards?

Actually, Solarcell would make for some interesting gameplay mechanics too. How exactly does her power buildup thing actually work?
last edited on Aug. 17, 2018 12:17AM
Abt_Nihil at 2:41AM, July 31, 2018
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
If you're making a card for Bombshell (which would be great), I'd only ask that you include a link to her comic - drunkduck.com/bombshell
irrevenant at 6:56AM, Aug. 7, 2018
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Abt_Nihil wrote:
If you're making a card for Bombshell (which would be great), I'd only ask that you include a link to her comic - drunkduck.com/bombshell
Okay, a WIP of her deck is at https://boardgamegeek.com/article/29712678#29712678.

I know you're probably not familiar with the game, but if you have any input thematically it would be greatly appreciated!
cdmalcolm1 at 11:26PM, Aug. 7, 2018
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
irrevenant wrote:
I'm getting very into the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game right now. Anyone else play that?

I was thinking it would be very cool to put together some downloadable custom hero decks for HA characters.

Bombshell seema a good place to start. Any objections to me using art of her from HA/HU/her own title on the cards?

Actually, Solarcell would make for some interesting gameplay mechanics too. How exactly does her power buildup thing actually work?

I'm not sure what you mean, But I'll try to answer it. Keep in mind she is Currently “Finding” herself.

SolarCell is a demi-god. A spin-off of Gluttony, her mother. Her mother gave part of her Divine powers to SolarCell to Intake and purge. kind of like breathing air…only she does this with all spectrum's of light. (this includes objects giving off any electromagnetic discharge.) Mixing her powers with Greed's Faction, she is able to find people vices and make them addicted to them. This adds more power to her Light powers of absorbing and Discharging harmful high speed particles. ( i can explain more but it will get long.)

Another part that light power is when she “Absorbs” light, she physically gains weight up to about 545 pounds. when she Discharge, she lose weight down to 135 pounds. her standard weight is 225 pounds. (this is where she is not pulling in light or discharging it.) Think of it as how we use our Lungs with air. inhale air, (pull in light). hold our breath, (hold the light), Exhale air, (Discharge Light.)

Her bubbles are more or less letting the reader know that she is active and ready to fight. Her durability is very high at all times; (her body has to take the stress of gaining and losing weight near the speed of light when she chooses to discharge all at once.) The more light she absorbs the stronger she gets.

VICE Powers: If she activates a person Deepest Vice, they will do anything to do that vise. BUT due to her memory lose, SolarCell does not even know she even has those powers let alone how tap into a person's vice. This keeps her in a current weaker state. It is when she fights a HA/HU universe version of herself that she beings to realize that she has the VICE powers.

Bombshell and Shell are helping her control her Light powers. due to the fact that she don't remember how to control her powers, her body absorbs and discharge on it's own. So, Shell figured out that If she Discharge in a controlled environment, it take about 8 to 12 hours before her body discharges again. The “Sweet Spot” for her body to stop this action is to have her be at the weight 220 to 225 lbs. (She has to know this.) Both Bombshell and Shell don't currently know that she vice Powers.

Powers of flight: She use this in 2 ways. Standard flight. Hyper Flight. Standard: she can get up to near the speed of light…but She needs enough light to reach that kind of speed. (she does not do this often if at all. She just flies at normal speeds like 1 to 1000 mph.) Hyper: very short burst and distant limit at near the speed of light. (Really only does this during fights.) Her current state: does not know how to fly…yet.

When she learns to Fully control her powers, she becomes even more powerful. or rather she goes back to being who she once was.
irrevenant at 6:42AM, Aug. 8, 2018
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Okay, thanks.

Would you be okay with me putting together a Sentinels of the Multiverse deck for Solarcell?

It would reflect her as of her period with HA, so the vice powers wouldn't be included.

As I understand it, her power levels build when exposed to light or energy until it builds up so high that there's an explosive energy release. That could be really interesting in game terms.

When she overloads does she drop to lower than normal base energy levels? ie. Is she weaker for a while?

Also, what would happen if someone were to shoot her with an energy blast? Would she absorb the energy? What about fire and cold?

EDIT: Hey, who owns The Ecotist? He'd be a great character to base a villain deck around.
last edited on Aug. 8, 2018 2:57PM
Abt_Nihil at 1:19AM, Aug. 10, 2018
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
irrevenant wrote:
Hey, who owns The Ecotist? He'd be a great character to base a villain deck around.

I think Hero does.

irrevenant wrote:
Okay, a WIP of her deck is at https://boardgamegeek.com/article/29712678#29712678.

I know you're probably not familiar with the game, but if you have any input thematically it would be greatly appreciated!

Sounds good as far as I understood it ;)

As an aside, I was a bit surprised that several users showed such pronounced reactions to the cheesecakyness. As you wrote in response, cheesecake is a pretty common superhero theme, and far from inherently sexist. Aaaaanyway…
last edited on Aug. 10, 2018 2:42AM
irrevenant at 4:57AM, Aug. 10, 2018
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Abt_Nihil wrote:
Sounds good as far as I understood it ;)

As an aside, I was a bit surprised that several users showed such pronounced reactions to the cheesecakyness. As you wrote in response, cheesecake is a pretty common superhero theme, and far from inherently sexist. Aaaaanyway…
I was surprised at that too. Part of it may be that the base game's character designs tend away from that sort of art style and character design.

I think she's pretty much ready for playtesting in an actual game now.

Did the deck look okay to you before or after I added the Double-dealing and Sabotage cards?
last edited on Aug. 10, 2018 4:58AM
cdmalcolm1 at 2:48PM, Aug. 13, 2018
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
irrevenant wrote:
Okay, thanks.

Would you be okay with me putting together a Sentinels of the Multiverse deck for Solarcell?

It would reflect her as of her period with HA, so the vice powers wouldn't be included.

As I understand it, her power levels build when exposed to light or energy until it builds up so high that there's an explosive energy release. That could be really interesting in game terms.

When she overloads does she drop to lower than normal base energy levels? ie. Is she weaker for a while?

Also, what would happen if someone were to shoot her with an energy blast? Would she absorb the energy? What about fire and cold?

EDIT: Hey, who owns The Ecotist? He'd be a great character to base a villain deck around.

1) I would love to see it happen. So yes you can use her.

2) her power on its own take about 8 to 12 hours to purge energy. However, as she is learning, she will pull in light and discharge at will. The discharge can project from any body part of her choosing. (Toes including, lol). The absorbing and discharging of light does not really affects her durability or her strength. However, IF her powers discharge on its own, she goes into shock for about a minute. The projecting energy are only affected by spikes and sags of energy. So long as she controls the absorption and the discharge, the sudden energy release will not happen. So if you knock her out, her body takes over.

3) if she is expecting a energy blast, then yes she can absorb it. She will expand to a larger size very quickly. Which could trigger the big discharge. If you catch her by surprise only some energy will be absorb the rest will hurt her. Fire hurts her but her body will absorb the energy coming from the fire on her. Her suit will turn white and may purge energy at any giving time. Cold and ice will just make her cold and slow her down.
Abt_Nihil at 4:23AM, Aug. 17, 2018
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
irrevenant wrote:
Did the deck look okay to you before or after I added the Double-dealing and Sabotage cards?

As far as I understood it looked good to me! ;)
irrevenant at 8:48PM, Aug. 17, 2018
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Thanks (both of you)!

The draft Solarcell deck is at https://boardgamegeek.com/article/29801408
Neither of the decks have art yet - I want to playtest them a bit first.
last edited on Aug. 17, 2018 8:49PM
cdmalcolm1 at 7:26AM, Sept. 30, 2018
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
irrevenant wrote:
Thanks (both of you)!

The draft Solarcell deck is at https://boardgamegeek.com/article/29801408
Neither of the decks have art yet - I want to playtest them a bit first.

Okay I read the profile and trying to understand the whole thing. I have to let you know that SolarCell don’t have to use her power energy all the time. Bombshell made sure of that. She can do hand to hand combat combine with using just a small amount of energy( not projected ) like power punches or kicks. She does take kickboxing under the watchful eye of Bombshell. The only time she uses her powered energy is if she needs it. Most of the time she will do hand to hand combat and add her short speed burst to the fight. All her big power play that you all suggest is great but for a very powerful foe. Outside of that, low pulls of light and discharge are extra power behind a final blow in a combo of hits. Again, Bombshell is showing her not to depend on her energy projections too much because it might lead to lots of damage to everyone and anything around her.

Her favorite way of fighting is doing extreme combos during a fight. Meaning, if she sees that an enemy is not stopping her from her combo of hits she will continue the onslaught until they either get knocked out or submits (begging to stop). She will not give you time to recover. That’s what makes her dangerous. If she is getting her ass kicked, the combos will not happen. Then her use of extreme power projection kicks in. You can say this is her level two combat mode. Both Bombshell and Shell are still helping her use her projection powers correctly.

Totally my fault, I should have pointed out her combat or melee skills against other challengers.
last edited on Sept. 30, 2018 7:59AM
irrevenant at 7:01PM, Sept. 30, 2018
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Ah, okay. That'll help me flesh out the deck which is good.

What actually triggers her powers discharging on their own?

cdmalcolm1 at 8:15PM, Oct. 20, 2018
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
irrevenant wrote:
Ah, okay. That'll help me flesh out the deck which is good.

What actually triggers her powers discharging on their own?


As a god she never really sleeps. so constant control of her powers is a must for her. When she is knocked out or sleeping, her body slowly absorbs Electromagnetic spectrum from all over. Just like our lungs inhales air and then exhale, with light it takes about 8 to 18 hours to be absorbed. the draw back is that it reaches a point where the atoms cannot hold anymore energy and snaps back outwards. Once one goes off the chain reaction begins. Instant discharge. When she has control of the absorption and discharge it is greater, much faster, and with focus.

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