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Newbies: please mind your GIANT BANNERS!!
Amy_Of_Darkness at 12:08PM, June 1, 2018
posts: 13
joined: 2-28-2016
I see this with growing frequency (and frustration) and it is mostly new comics on this site posting their mirrors.

Please, please, don't post a title banner that is over 300 pixels tall! I know sites like tapastic have infinite scroll and display a banner ONCE at the top of your page, but keep in mind this site is NOT set up like that– we are reading in a horizontal direction and it displays that banner on every page, forcing us to scroll down after clicking next. Huge banners are a nuisance for archive readers. Consider it like someone printing a comic book and every second page is the cover of the book again instead of the expected next sequence of events. It is bad for the flow of your narrative and turns a lot of readers off right from the start.

Please be considerate of your potential readers! I know a lot of effort was put into your title banner, but remember it is supposed to be a TITLE and not take so much attention from the main event– your comic.

Also, some good art that doesn't even feature the title in the banner space is a bad idea, don't do that either! That belongs in a gallery, not hogging space on your comic page.
mishi_hime at 5:49PM, June 1, 2018
posts: 1,806
joined: 7-17-2006
I think this is something that can be addressed in the re-design.

In the meantime, I can provide a temp fix. Look up a browser extension / add on called “Stylus”. It allows you to add your own CSS to any web page.

All we need to do is add a little code
#titleofcomic img {
    max-height: 200px !important;
    max-width: 700px !important;

and apply it to the site like so

Voila! No more giant banners.
last edited on June 1, 2018 5:51PM

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