Comic Talk and General Discussion *

Ozoneocean at 1:54AM, Jan. 31, 2018
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Hi guys.
the comment reply notification feature is not live yet but the comment notification feature IS, on the test site here:

You just have to sign in.
All comments are marked as “unread” by default. Just hit “mark all as read” to change that. You can test with new comments if you sing in with a different account, leave a comment on your comic and then check on it with your original account.
KimLuster at 2:22PM, Jan. 31, 2018
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
Looks like it's gonna be a pretty nifty feature. I like that it doesn't seem to be limited to by the comic (being in the Control Panel) means it's universal to all your comics right?
Ozoneocean at 3:51PM, Jan. 31, 2018
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Exactly 😉
Froggtreecomics at 5:18PM, Feb. 1, 2018
posts: 126
joined: 10-29-2009
I tested this feature and can confirm it's effectiveness. As a by product, I am now 45% more strapping and have a sunny outlook on life.
Ozoneocean at 6:55PM, Feb. 1, 2018
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Glad you like it :D
Prototype at 5:50AM, Feb. 9, 2018
posts: 46
joined: 5-23-2008
I'm curious if the actual comment will be shown on the comments received page or if it will always be a “comment link” thing and clicking to go to the page and see what comment it is?
Ozoneocean at 6:37AM, Feb. 10, 2018
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
Prototype wrote:
I'm curious if the actual comment will be shown on the comments received page or if it will always be a “comment link” thing and clicking to go to the page and see what comment it is?
Initially I wanted the comment to show but I thought it would be redundant to have a comment posted in two places like that and to have it totally without any context (surrounding comments, page art, author notes, author reply etc) in the notification page would make it a bit useless.

However the author reply notification feature will have the comment text showing because you basically have most of the context there: it's a conversation thread in response to something you posted.
AmeliaP at 1:05PM, Feb. 10, 2018
posts: 6
joined: 7-25-2017
I'm trying to log in, but my password isn't entering. But I have no problem to log in my account, just in that link. But you're talking about signing in, not logging in. Should I do a new account to be a beta tester?
mishi_hime at 6:21PM, Feb. 10, 2018
posts: 1,806
joined: 7-17-2006
AmeliaP wrote:

I was able to login to so… maybe try again?
Ozoneocean at 11:41PM, Feb. 10, 2018
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
AmeliaP wrote:
I'm trying to log in, but my password isn't entering. But I have no problem to log in my account, just in that link. But you're talking about signing in, not logging in. Should I do a new account to be a beta tester?
Yep you'll need a new account
The test server is made from an older copy of the site so it might pre-date your latest account, which means you'll need to make a new one there.
AmeliaP at 9:34PM, Feb. 11, 2018
posts: 6
joined: 7-25-2017
Ah got it! thanks!

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