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Stringy and Mopy Updates
MegaRdaniels at 6:23PM, Nov. 11, 2017
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Hey, guys, this is MegaRdaniels creator of Stringy and Mopy: The Adventure Begins comic. I'm just going to let every one of my readers know that the updates for the next update spree is coming, however, instead of having it last one month, I'm thinking of it spilling it over to 2 months so you all can enjoy my story longer. October was a successful experiment and now I'm thinking of having my updates spill over a month. Maybe two?

Instead of Saturdays, I'm thinking of having to update on Wednesday at 3 pm where traffic is high, budget for advertising to increase readership, and so much more.

Also as a side note, I just made a wiki page for Mopy for those interested.

Thank you all for helping my comic grow on this wonderful site. :)

- Daniels

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