Spammers and Other Young Whipper-Snippers
Ozoneocean at 10:30AM, Aug. 11, 2017
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
I was just looking through some old posts and found one by a spammer telling everyone he could get them cheap iphones.
So I checked out his profile only to see how I must have vandalised it in the past…
I laughed and laughed :)

This guy:

This is his profile:

I think Apple sux ass. the iphone is a piece of shit!

If you agree, email me:

I also want pix of dogsex.

Lol, what a young whipper-snipper!
last edited on Aug. 23, 2017 9:49AM
Ironscarf at 11:00AM, Aug. 11, 2017
posts: 1,957
joined: 9-9-2008
His one friend doesn't look too impressed! Wonder if he got the pix he was looking for.

e: Can we widen out this topic to include spanners? I recently got a reconditioned adjustable pipe wrench which is awesome for unscrewing that big nut on the bottom of the cistern. The result is a nasty mess, but I'd love to know what kind of spanners other Duckers are harbouring.
last edited on Aug. 11, 2017 11:10AM
Ozoneocean at 11:32AM, Aug. 11, 2017
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
lba at 5:35PM, Dec. 22, 2017
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
Ironscarf wrote:
His one friend doesn't look too impressed! Wonder if he got the pix he was looking for.

e: Can we widen out this topic to include spanners? I recently got a reconditioned adjustable pipe wrench which is awesome for unscrewing that big nut on the bottom of the cistern. The result is a nasty mess, but I'd love to know what kind of spanners other Duckers are harbouring.

I got a YUUUUGE one recently. Big ol' socket. We use it to take off the 1 1/2 lug nuts on our trucks at work. It's like 3 feet long. Weighs about 45 pounds.
Ozoneocean at 1:16AM, Dec. 25, 2017
posts: 29,094
joined: 1-2-2004
I want a giant spanner… :(

Question: Do you consider “spanner” and “wrench” interchangeable terms?
I always though spanner was the fixed size one (unless it was an “adjustable spanner”) and a wrench was the adjustable one.
But then I also thought that one might be a British term and one an American term.
bravo1102 at 1:05AM, Dec. 26, 2017
posts: 6,309
joined: 1-21-2008
ozoneocean wrote:
I want a giant spanner… :(

Question: Do you consider “spanner” and “wrench” interchangeable terms?

But then I also thought that one might be a British term and one an American term.

That is basically correct. They are the corresponding term for the same tool between the two varieties of English. You just don't say “spanner” in American English. Parts catalogs though are beginning to list the tools as spanner wrench to recognize both Commonwealth and North American English Usage.

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