Tips and Tricks/Support *

dbartnerd at 9:59PM, Jan. 29, 2017
posts: 11
joined: 12-29-2016
Hey guys sorry for the dumb question, but what are sub pages?
Ozoneocean at 7:35PM, Jan. 30, 2017
posts: 29,087
joined: 1-2-2004
Sub pages are difficult to make, but if you can work them out, all they are is extra pages for your comic that can tell readers about other aspects of your comic:
Character pages; author bio; intro page for your comic; extra details on other info about your work; whatever you want basically.
dbartnerd at 6:51AM, Feb. 4, 2017
posts: 11
joined: 12-29-2016
cool thanks
rickrudge at 5:18PM, Feb. 13, 2023
posts: 129
joined: 10-3-2019
Hello guys,

I have a question about the Subpage. I go under the “Edit Comics” section and hit the “Subpages” button, and create a description of how I create my comix and what days I normally post a page and hit “Save”. However, I don’t see how people are able to read this file. Where do I get access to this from my comic page? Is it somewhere at the top of the page? Thanks for your help.

— Rick Rudge
GrapeApe at 11:55PM, April 18, 2023
posts: 6
joined: 3-16-2009
Hey folks, does anyone know how to center an image on the subpages?
GrapeApe at 4:47AM, April 20, 2023
posts: 6
joined: 3-16-2009
rickrudge wrote:
Hello guys,

I have a question about the Subpage. I go under the “Edit Comics” section and hit the “Subpages” button, and create a description of how I create my comix and what days I normally post a page and hit “Save”. However, I don’t see how people are able to read this file. Where do I get access to this from my comic page? Is it somewhere at the top of the page? Thanks for your help.

— Rick Rudge

Hi Rick! Don’t know if you figured it out by now since this was a few months ago, but you have to create a link on your main comic page in order for people to see it. If you hit “Edit Comic” then go to the links tab and you can create a link there for your sub page.

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