HA General Discussion

"As appearing in Heroes Alliance".
irrevenant at 6:37PM, June 29, 2016
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Hi. ^_^

Just wanted to suggest that, if you write a comic related to Heroes Alliance it's worth dropping the words “As appearing in Heroes Alliance” or just “Heroes Alliance” (and “Heroes Unite” if applicable) somewhere in your comic description so that your comic pops up in search results for “Heroes Alliance”.

At the moment only Solarcell, Chaos and The Bujin show up as related titles and there are so many more: Putrid Meat, SHELL, Bombshell, Mr Imp, Peligroso, Comet Kid, etc. etc. etc.

I think it'd give a more accurate impression that Heroes Alliance is actually a shared universe/setting rather than just a single title.
cdmalcolm1 at 7:25PM, July 5, 2016
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
irrevenant wrote:
Hi. ^_^

Just wanted to suggest that, if you write a comic related to Heroes Alliance it's worth dropping the words “As appearing in Heroes Alliance” or just “Heroes Alliance” (and “Heroes Unite” if applicable) somewhere in your comic description so that your comic pops up in search results for “Heroes Alliance”.

At the moment only Solarcell, Chaos and The Bujin show up as related titles and there are so many more: Putrid Meat, SHELL, Bombshell, Mr Imp, Peligroso, Comet Kid, etc. etc. etc.

I think it'd give a more accurate impression that Heroes Alliance is actually a shared universe/setting rather than just a single title.

Speaking of which, I was thinking of doing one of the two ideas. I going to put together Solarcell current mini page into a full standard pages. I will be adding a few panels to the current ones. By me doing so, it will be the origin story. Now, back in the day, HA did origin stories for various HA members. Would It be an issue if SolarCell and Chaos get their story told in the issue of HA as filler until we all catch up with the current story?

If not, I'm rebooting SolarCell under a new title, “SolarCell the daughter of gluttony” or “SolarCell the bbw heroin”. I will continue to do the mini comic if anyone wants to stay a head of the reboot.
shastab24 at 11:29AM, July 6, 2016
posts: 370
joined: 12-20-2007
Expanding the pages sounds like it can be good. I know I'm one that doesn't like reboots, because they throw out what may have already been good for uncertainty (well, one thing's certain: rehashing what was already told).

I added a Heroes Alliance mention to Karabear Comics Unlimited's description.
cdmalcolm1 at 2:34PM, July 6, 2016
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
shastab24 wrote:
Expanding the pages sounds like it can be good. I know I'm one that doesn't like reboots, because they throw out what may have already been good for uncertainty (well, one thing's certain: rehashing what was already told).

I added a Heroes Alliance mention to Karabear Comics Unlimited's description.

I totally agree with you shastab24 about the reboot thing. I hate them too. It's more like a reprint thing just in case it goes to print. Plus, I'll be fixing and adding panels along the way. (ThAt and the fact I can't change the title to her series. )

By the way I'm still penciling SolarCell comic and can't wait to draw your characters at the club in civilian clothing. A nice small battle with RoofRat, Sparkle, Astral, Chaos and SolarCell vs. Widow, Jill of all trades, Samantha The purple machete, and (can't remember her name right now but she shoots arrows. I'll fix this line later). Everyone will be dressed for the club. Not in their super suits. So stay tuned.
irrevenant at 9:01PM, July 6, 2016
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Ballista was the name of my Villain character. :) Note that her arrows expand once fired - to almost tree trunk size if required!

I think generally it's good if webcomics don't reboot because it's so inspiring seeing how much the art improves over time (Shastab24 is like the poster child for this! How far you've come since the early days with Tempore is absolutely mindblowing).

I don't know if mine's a proper reboot since I hadn't published any actual *story* yet - just a little 3-page origin comic (which is now out of continuity, but it's still essentially the same origin - it just happened to a different character now).

cdmalcolm1 at 11:50AM, July 18, 2016
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
irrevenant wrote:
Ballista was the name of my Villain character. :) Note that her arrows expand once fired - to almost tree trunk size if required!

I think generally it's good if webcomics don't reboot because it's so inspiring seeing how much the art improves over time (Shastab24 is like the poster child for this! How far you've come since the early days with Tempore is absolutely mindblowing).

I don't know if mine's a proper reboot since I hadn't published any actual *story* yet - just a little 3-page origin comic (which is now out of continuity, but it's still essentially the same origin - it just happened to a different character now).

Ok, so a reboot/reprint is out of the question then. How about this then. I will continue the current SolarCell mini but just make it Black and white and just color the FX's with just a tiny bit of animation. Doing animation to the colors looks too pixelated.
irrevenant at 10:30PM, July 18, 2016
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
cdmalcolm1 wrote:
Ok, so a reboot/reprint is out of the question then. How about this then. I will continue the current SolarCell mini but just make it Black and white and just color the FX's with just a tiny bit of animation. Doing animation to the colors looks too pixelated.
Nothing's out of the question. It's your comic - if you feel like a reboot is the best approach, go for it! ;) My opinion is just my opinion.
last edited on July 18, 2016 10:38PM
cdmalcolm1 at 9:23AM, Feb. 18, 2017
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
The story of solarcell will be her point of view of the original mini. Most of the panels will be re used but I will be adding the feelings and thoughts of Ina. This year I will be spending more time on SolarCell's comic.
cdmalcolm1 at 7:27AM, March 2, 2017
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
Ok, I finally decided to make SolarCell the second series. It will not be a reboot more like a recap of how Ina feels in her new home and friends. I will put in place a love interest for her. Who will it be? I got 3 possible people in mind. All 3 will be used. Also, at this time, she will have some freedom to go and return to HA HQ when ever she likes. That being said, this time line is ahead of HA 12. Her mini series will continue as planned as a current HA time line. Again I will not state any of HA's story in either storylines. I will have some HA guests as supporting characters for the second series but it might only be 2 to 3 characters from the HA team. Bombshell is one BUT only for maybe a page or two as SolarCell's mentor. RoofRat will also be a major supporting character since he is free to use. (Also, you will see from the mini series why RoofRat becomes a major character in SolarCell's second series). The third person will be for a time, Shell's android daughter until he creates SolarCell's own “doll” for continued monitoring of SolorCells unknown powers.

Now, depending on how SolarCell roll is played on HA main timeline, She will try and start looking for a place of her own. This might be caused by either her love interest or when her “Doll” is complete.

Her battles will start to get intense due to bombshells and Shells training guides. She will be at black belt status only because to stop her from using her powers in open public. I don't know when she will have her gluttony mind powers but when it happens it will be when she uses her projection powers at near max, going nuclear, person she fights will be her HA version of herself. (Don't worry This fight happens over the ocean near Hawaii, which will cause another bad guy to emerge after the fight is over.) amalgam might be a guest star during this issue. Might be the longest fight I'll ever create. (Starting from land to sea to air and even underwater. It will be epic and only then. You will see her true powers at max. This might be a long way off but I will try and make it happen. So stay tuned.

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