When Ozone Ocean promoted the indegogo campaign to fix some of the issues that made me step away from The Duck I knew I had to come back and see what's been happening over here!
Hello once again! My name is Darwin (AKA Tigershark06) and I am the creator of Darwin Comics a overarching brand for my two long running and long form comics The Only Half Saga and Gemutations: Plague. Both of my long-form comics are coming up on their TENTH YEAR of production! O_O
Both of my comics got their start right here on The Duck (formerly Drunk Duck), and I have many fond memories of my time with this community.
I still maintain my profile here and my three side comics, Michael, Midnight and Finding Common Ground. I plan to put any side projects up here that might arise in the future (including Lament a co-created project with a friend of mine)
I am also an author, and I've always considered myself a better writer than an artist. I write blended combinations of science fiction, supernatural, and urban fantasy. I currently have eight books self-published through Create Space and Kindle which you can find at my Amazon Page.
I look forward to meeting (or reacquainting myself) with the community I started with!
Thanks for taking a moment!
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
Checking Into My Old Stomping Ground
at 7:28AM, Feb. 12, 2016
last edited on Feb. 12, 2016 7:49AM
at 9:07AM, Feb. 12, 2016
ALSO… snort… With the 10th anniversary coming up like it is. I got the wild hair to resurrect Plague's presence here. I'm going to be throwing chunks at you weekly three pages at a time. The first three are already up.
I am doing this not because I don't have a buffer… (I DOOO over 400 pages worth), but because I want to get that REDUX of chapter one finished (finally) and I'm hoping this is the kick in the ass I need to get it done. To do that I can't just plop the entire first chapter in here or I would have to show you those embarrassing early pages!
I will do something similar with TOHS when we get a bit closer to June only I don't have to make you wait on those! :P
I am doing this not because I don't have a buffer… (I DOOO over 400 pages worth), but because I want to get that REDUX of chapter one finished (finally) and I'm hoping this is the kick in the ass I need to get it done. To do that I can't just plop the entire first chapter in here or I would have to show you those embarrassing early pages!
I will do something similar with TOHS when we get a bit closer to June only I don't have to make you wait on those! :P
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