HA Characters

VILLAIN: Drillsaw
irrevenant at 5:47PM, Aug. 2, 2015
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007

Drillsaw is a villain submitted by darkaceto Heroes Alliance: Monthly Mayhem. Darkace gave permission via PQ to use Drillsaw in HA stories.
Drillsaw (Jacob Farley) is a small-time thief turned crime boss. His rise to power came when he met a robotics expert and forced him to create the cybernetic body he now has. He uses his drills and saws on anything or anyone who gets in his way.
cdmalcolm1 at 4:29AM, Aug. 10, 2015
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
That's a very cool looking picture and and even cooler villain.
darkace at 5:28PM, Aug. 11, 2015
posts: 44
joined: 12-29-2012
@cdmalcolm1–Thanks! :D!! I'm working on two characters–a heroine and a villainess that I will submit to HA as well. Hopefully they could be considered to be part of the HA universe! ^_^
cdmalcolm1 at 8:01PM, Aug. 28, 2015
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
As soon as you submit one it will be accepted. The real trick is to get your character into the story. The quickest way to do this is to be involved. One way of doing so is to Creating a comic using {{{your}}} HA universe character in a story. Another way is by Reading the forums and asking questions about the HA/HU universe. That can help you with creating your story… If you should choose to make one. Drawing and/or writing for the main Heroes Alliance will put your characters into the runnings. You may have to wait in line before it happens But sometimes it can happen sooner, like a filler character making a cameo.

I would love to use your character for my story it would make things interesting. We would have to talk more about it.
darkace at 10:04PM, Sept. 2, 2015
posts: 44
joined: 12-29-2012
@cdmalcolm1–Thanks, that's good to know. Unfortunately, I don't think I have the time to create a series for my character ideas for an HA tie-in. I will be submitting a couple more characters to HA though. The characters I submit to HA is free for use to anybody. All I ask is for a little credit for creating it, but otherwise, the characters can be used by anyone who feels like using them. So, CD, please feel free to use DrillSaw in your story. I'll try to submit my other characters soon.

cdmalcolm1 wrote:
As soon as you submit one it will be accepted. The real trick is to get your character into the story. The quickest way to do this is to be involved. One way of doing so is to Creating a comic using {{{your}}} HA universe character in a story. Another way is by Reading the forums and asking questions about the HA/HU universe. That can help you with creating your story If you should choose to make one. Drawing and/or writing for the main Heroes Alliance will put your characters into the runnings. You may have to wait in line before it happens But sometimes it can happen sooner, like a filler character making a cameo.I would love to use your character for my story it would make things interesting. We would have to talk more about it.
irrevenant at 6:06AM, Sept. 3, 2015
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
CDMalcolm is right that the best way to get your character into an HA story is to get involved in the production of HA and even create your own series like he did with Solarcell.

That said, I proposed a story for Season 2 called ‘Day of Crime’ ( http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/176960/ ). If that gets up it will require a lotof villains and I certainly hope for DrillSaw to be amongst them.
last edited on Sept. 4, 2015 6:28AM
darkace at 1:52AM, Sept. 4, 2015
posts: 44
joined: 12-29-2012
@irrevenant–It would be awesome to do a series to tie-in with HA, unfortunately, with my current series ViXXXen Force, work and other projects in the works, I don't think I can dedicate myself to another full series. Since I can't dedicate myself with characters I submit to HA, it'd be awesome to see what you guys do with them if they get greenlit to be a part of the HA universe storyline.
That said, I'm happy to contribute a few pages here and there to HA. I got the nod from PIT_FACE to do a couple of pages for Fandango, so I'm excited! My first page is already coming along and so far, so good! I also hope to get to work on the season finale since I love drawing aliens and stuff and I'd love to take part in Season 2 as well.

irrevenant wrote:
CDMalcolm is right that the best way to get your character into an HA story is to get involved in the production of HA and even create your own series like he did with Solarcell.That said, I proposed a story for Season 2 called Day of Crime (http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/forum/topic/176960/). If that gets up it will require a lotof villains and I certainly hope for DrillSaw to be amongst them.
irrevenant at 6:28AM, Sept. 4, 2015
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Ya, I understand. The main thing I wanted to say is that I hoped to use Drillsaw in that HA story I'm pitching.

I look forward to seeing your pages in Fandango - you have a very cool art style.
darkace at 8:17AM, Sept. 4, 2015
posts: 44
joined: 12-29-2012
Very cool! Can't wait to see what you and CD do with him. Hopefully I'll be able to submit my other super villain and a hero soon and see if they have a place in HA.
Thanks for the compliments on my art style! :D It's my first time using this cartoon/cell shaded art style, so it's still evolving. I'm not used to drawing this way, I'm more of a traditional comic book style–Jim Lee-esque style artist. ^_^

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