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Oeclair: A Fantastical Watercolor Stand Alone Comic
cetriya at 4:49PM, June 13, 2015
posts: 177
joined: 5-17-2007
Hey There!
I usually go byCetriya4online (you can find me by googling that or check out my older comics on DD) and
I hope you don't mind me popping into this space.

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I"m running aKICKSTARTER4for my original one shot comic Oeclair. Other then that, I work part time as a design assistant in fashion fabraics and just recently graduated from collage. I've done some comics before (like I said, just google Cetriya) and illustration commisions but this is my first project since school.
What is Oeclair?
In trying to save her best friend, Shara is caught in the storm barrier of the outer edge of the open sea and is hurled to the unknown side. She wakes up in an imperfect world, complete contrast of her warm and peaceful home. A world where health is a luxury and most are just trying to survive the day. her only protectors? non social orphans who stays so long as they gets paid for services.
The mood/test of the comic is very magical girl/ adventure. You can read whats up currently and watch for biweekly updates Tuesdays/Thursdays.

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My goal is to fund the printing cost for the book and clear file and also get your thoughts about the project.
So feel free reply with your thoughts, support and share the project with others!
Go check out my project page —>4

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