
Ink_wolf at 8:30AM, Sept. 9, 2014
posts: 173
joined: 6-17-2010
I AM an unoriganal hack that has barely seen the main forum.

feel free to introduce yourself and say hello.
"There's no such thing as sanity, And that's the sanest fact"-Dire Straits, One World

shadowbladeXIII at 10:19AM, Sept. 9, 2014
posts: 11,894
joined: 12-1-2010
I am a wierdo that inspired a whole forum/story telling collab between other users such as this guy above me. I also am a comic reader on his way to start his own comic.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Sept. 9, 2014 10:24AM
SnowTheHedgehog at 2:17PM, Sept. 9, 2014
posts: 479
joined: 3-28-2011
I'm drift wood flooded along in the previous guy's whirlpool of madness. The guy on top has tried to make a boat out of me to escape the island he's been stranded on. Two attempts have resulted in the boat sinking and him dieing three times.
Optimism is like eating healthy. If you don't know any pro recipes, you're going to have a terrible time trying to pull through with it.
last edited on Sept. 10, 2014 10:32AM
Ink_wolf at 5:34AM, Sept. 11, 2014
posts: 173
joined: 6-17-2010
Yes, madness indeed dwells within the above two…patrons? Fans? I'm going with peons.
"There's no such thing as sanity, And that's the sanest fact"-Dire Straits, One World

shadowbladeXIII at 1:12PM, Sept. 11, 2014
posts: 11,894
joined: 12-1-2010
peon? you mean overlord of none! yes for I own little to nothing. and there is plenay of that to go around. I'll share but only ifyour willing to go and feed Snow a lemon.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
SnowTheHedgehog at 11:32AM, Sept. 15, 2014
posts: 479
joined: 3-28-2011
'Someone say lemon?
Optimism is like eating healthy. If you don't know any pro recipes, you're going to have a terrible time trying to pull through with it.
picosux224 at 8:41PM, Sept. 16, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
im just some guy who came across a sonic comic and one day got hooked on RPing oh and fun fact im a otaku. hmm lemonade sounds good right about now
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
Ink_wolf at 5:02AM, Sept. 17, 2014
posts: 173
joined: 6-17-2010
Ah, Pico. Good to see you again! I don't know how active this forum will be (I expect far less so than DN's) but I'm glad to see you could make it all the same.
If you know of any threads that you think I should start here, speak up. Likewise, feel free to start any RP you like in the appropriate section. I'd say more but I need to sleep now.
"There's no such thing as sanity, And that's the sanest fact"-Dire Straits, One World

picosux224 at 12:48PM, Sept. 17, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
i wouldnt know where i would start to be honest i was never really that creative plus idk any threads
…maybe if i had sugestions? like would you prefer a completely made up one or one based off popular games anime manga? (examples DBZ Pokemon etc) because honestly i can work with both
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Sept. 17, 2014 3:45PM
Ink_wolf at 6:14AM, Sept. 18, 2014
posts: 173
joined: 6-17-2010
Start with whatever you like: whatever you have enough passion about to drive you forward! The worst thiing that can come out of it is nothing so you literally have nothing to loose! I don't know how active I can be on an RP right now between my job, this comic, sleep and other works. All said though, I am eager to see what you can paint through the window of your mind. Same goes for anyone reading this post!
"There's no such thing as sanity, And that's the sanest fact"-Dire Straits, One World

picosux224 at 1:13PM, Sept. 18, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
alright then i have an idea!
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 4:21PM, Sept. 18, 2014
posts: 11,894
joined: 12-1-2010
Speak then boy don't keep us waiting! I want to hear.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!

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