This is long overdue, but life its complicated and one leaves stuff for latter. My name its Ruy Fernando, but People know me around the internet as Flint / Flinto or Flintofmother. I am mexican and I am a cartoonist, I had been trying to break into this from quite a while (nearly 8 years from my first comic attempts) I had been on the mexican industry from quite a while with little success and I had been tring to expand to english speaking people for a while.
For my comics I must say I do what I like, my creations are based on stuff I like and I rarely stop to think “this wont sell”. but well, I am now on the Duck, you could say I started with 2014 I was looking for a place to promote my stuff and I found this thanks to Modest Medusa and Pillis Adventure, two comics I follow.
Im trying to get into the comunity, I started to read some of the comics around here, Im already a fan of Savannah the Cat, but is dificult to search favorites among all of the stuff at the Duck, so why not you show me your comic I will go and check it (and if you want give you my opinion) I will show you mine
Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*
Lets introduce Myself
at 10:05PM, May 14, 2014
I'll admit…I had a hard time following the 1st few comics. But like you said, issues with translation. The art is amazing. And I actually guffawed out loud to some of the comics… +pts for haveing a fun sense of humor!!! All in all, give yourself a pat on the back. You do great work!
I'll be keeping an eye on you!
I'll be keeping an eye on you!
at 9:32AM, May 24, 2014
SCI-FI/ACTION Webcomic. Rated 16 (violence font-size: x-small;">Main website :
SCI-FI/ACTION Webcomic. Rated 16 (violence font-size: x-small;">Main website :
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