HA Characters

HERO: Amalgam
SympleSymon at 12:16PM, April 17, 2010
posts: 208
joined: 11-28-2006
It's taken me this long to realise this, but since the HA is no longer running to the continuity I had been led to plan along, and since Abt wants to use my “Villains Unite” story from that to be the second-half of the first season of HA, I hereby open up the character of Amalgam to the other writers here until such a time as I need him…and I WILL need him. Mwahahahaaaa!
Retake - What happens when a movie star goes from portraying a hero on the silverscreen to becoming one in real-life? Nothing good…

last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 10:44PM
ironhand at 1:59AM, Oct. 16, 2012
posts: 323
joined: 7-29-2007
I don't think we've actually seen much of Amalgam - especially not him in a costume of sorts. He is making his HA debut in my ninja story though, so I whipped up the designs myself. I hope no one minds.
Stop looking at my signature and read my comics!!
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 10:47PM
cdmalcolm1 at 1:35PM, Aug. 3, 2014
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
SympleSymon wrote: It's taken me this long to realise this, but since the HA is no longer running to the continuity I had been led to plan along, and since Abt wants to use my “Villains Unite” story from that to be the second-half of the first season of HA, I hereby open up the character of Amalgam to the other writers here until such a time as I need him…and I WILL need him. Mwahahahaaaa!

Does that mean I could use him for my story in the. HA universe? I think it would be cool to use him. I love Ironhand's design. Let me know if I could use him in future stories.

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