Going through the storyline ideas, I looked at the Alien idea and I drew up some Pod People designs, I tried to make them in the vein of Corman or Edwood, very cheesy and stereotypical looking pod aliens :P
I did get very involved with them and actually thought about their actual planet, how they communicate, if they have a commanding hive mind or anything like that, I even did the “Sleeper” Pod People designs too, I should have them up tomorrow, this are prolly just “throw-away” villains mostly for a epic story though, but I had tons of fun doing them :)
Brain Slug/Worm
Pod Alien design
Hyrbid Pod Female
I will have a General Pod and a Male Hybrid Pod ready soon :)
HA Characters
at 9:18PM, Nov. 16, 2010
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 2:05AM
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