So I guess ya take the hill from the previous poster in creative and unlimited ways. So uh…
I hesitantly claim this hill as mine. If anyone wants to play this game?
MAFIA... and other forum games
King of the Hill
at 11:07PM, Jan. 24, 2014
Been years since I was here. I've been at rehab since. So uh. Yknow, things got interesting.
at 5:43PM, March 18, 2014
I employ an army of mole people to tunnel up from underneath and pop up unexpectedly from beneath, rolling you down the hill and annexing the hill as part of the mighty mole people Empire.
at 4:43AM, Sept. 14, 2017
I claim this hill by necro-posting in it and thus, being master of its undead slavery….
at 7:34PM, Sept. 14, 2017
I claim this hill by letting the sun shine upon it, all undead must flee sunlight so the hill is mine.
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