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NEED your Quackcast contributions! Question: What I did on my holidays!
Ozoneocean at 1:22AM, Jan. 8, 2014
posts: 29,092
joined: 1-2-2004
Hello hello!!!!

Banes and I would love to know about the things you did over your christmas and new year holidays! It could be comic related or just anythin at all!

Also, what did you do when DD as down over the long winter of our discontent? Our terrible Rangarock? Please post here!
kawaiidaigakusei at 11:42AM, Jan. 9, 2014
posts: 809
joined: 3-23-2007
I spent the holiday doing things I would normally do on the weekends. I slept in, enjoyed hot tea, crocheted my neverending scarf, and watched one of my favorite films: The Scarlet Pimpernel (starring Anthony Andrews). The news reported some sort of Polar Vortex heading down south so I tried to brace myself for the cold. Irregardless of the temperatures plunging into the negatives, I decided to go outside and face the cold.

Parliament Hill was my first outing. It is less than two blocks away from where I live and there is a fire pit in the front lawn called the Eternal Flame (not to confused with the Bangles song). I always tell myself that if the weather gets too cold, I can always use it to get warm. I get the best view of Parliament from this snow covered park nearby and at the right time, the sunset gives the sky this great peach colored water colored painting backdrop.

I decided to spend one night exploring the National Gallery. I enjoy getting lost in large art museums when I am alone. It allows me to appreciate every piece of art without feeling forced to add commentary or listen to criticisms. There were great new exhibits up including a photography exhibition centered around old school cameras and film development. My favorite of the Contemporary Art section was this installation that showed clips of every Meryl Streep film having a conversation with each other.

There is a pedestrian bridge next to the Gallery that leads to Quebec with a great view of the Musee de Civilisation. I remember how beautiful it was to cross during the summer, but now the whole river is solid ice. There are no more tour boats filled with tourists or small water taxis crossing the river. It is now the winter and all the ground hogs and rabbits are in hibernation, and all the lush, green grassy hills are covered with snow.

Later, I relaxed at home by listening to Bon Iver, Of Monsters and Men and Bob Dylan. New Years was a very quiet occasion because it was too cold to go outside to watch the fireworks at City Hall. Instead I brewed some coffee, pampered myself with my favorite body butter from the Body Shop, and played some games on my iPad.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
last edited on Jan. 9, 2014 1:57PM
Dragonaur at 2:14PM, Jan. 9, 2014
posts: 162
joined: 5-14-2007
I fixed my Garage Door opener! The gear stripped and I thought it was going to cost big bucks. Instead it turns out the gear in question only costs $1.10! The pressure seated pin was a bear, but after that it was clear sailing! Make sure you keep all parts well greased! You'll be glad you did.

I didn't cartoon much at all! As a matter of fact, I don't have a buffer for my comic's at all now. ^_^;;
HippieVan at 2:20PM, Jan. 30, 2014
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
Copying some of this over from my earlier holiday thread…

Every year my family goes to see the “Eaton's Fairytale Vignettes.” These are super old…they used to be displayed in a department store that closed down when I was just a young'un. It was a big deal back then, and they were displayed in a nice cozy area with a Santa nearby for photos. They've been put up every year since the place closed nonetheless, but were often just stuck in an unused room somewhere. They got progressively creepier and more depressing as I got older as they fell into disrepair. The Butcher's wife was missing fingers, the little matchstick girl had a crack through her face, and so on. But just a couple years ago they completely restored them, and they're kind of lovely again.

We also like to torment each other with a Santa doll that sings that song “Jingle jingle jingle you will hear my sleighbells ring…” We wake each other up with it, leave voice mail messages and so on. :) When we first hear the thing sometime in December (usually my dad is the first to find it) it's kind of the signal that Christmas is upon us.

I also watched “A Muppet Christmas Carol” and cried like a baby when Tiny Tim died and when Scrooge's girlfriend left him.
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
last edited on Jan. 30, 2014 2:25PM

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