HA General Discussion

Have there been advanced civilisations in the Solar system before Earth?
irrevenant at 8:35PM, Oct. 31, 2013
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
Does anyone know if there have previously been advanced civilisations on Mars or elsewhere in the Solar system in the HU setting?
Abt_Nihil at 9:26AM, Nov. 4, 2013
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
Not to my knowledge.
LuchaCoffee at 3:47AM, Nov. 11, 2013
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
I don't think we ever thought about that, at least not yet.
Usually when I write about aliens and the like they are usually beyond our system (such as the pod people, brain slugs, and “Laika”- still working on all of those concepts by the way :P)
I mean we could have something later on that involves that.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

irrevenant at 9:09PM, Nov. 12, 2013
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
No prob, just would've worked well for the background of a character I'm working on.
We presumably may or may not still go with that “Atlantis as a colony of Evosians seeking a new life” thing at some point…
cdmalcolm1 at 10:53AM, July 22, 2014
posts: 460
joined: 8-21-2012
It seems that all encounter comes from interdimensional travel. It makes sense. The distant between life here on earth and else where is very great. Does anyone have a humanoid species they are going to visit earth.
irrevenant at 12:03AM, July 23, 2014
posts: 779
joined: 1-13-2007
The HUniverse does seem to have faster-than-light travel. The HU Earth has been visited by at least: Evosians (Energize's people), Ranosians (Relik's people), the aliens who created Deuce, the Graxis mercenaries from Relik.
I have at least one instance of an alien species I intend to use in my Chaos title, but it's a secret for now.
cdmalcolm1 wrote:
It seems that all encounter comes from interdimensional travel. It makes sense. The distant between life here on earth and else where is very great. Does anyone have a humanoid species they are going to visit earth.

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